Quiz Club 2016 - 17

Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Suvarna S. Nilakh

The ILS Quiz Club continued to engage students with an array of quizzes in the year 2016-17. It opened with its inaugural session on the 15th of July, hosting a general quiz with literature-oriented questions. The Quiz Club organised sessions on a weekly basis, supported by a dedicated core of quizzers, on a range of topics, from sports, Music-Entertainment-Literature-Arts, Indian Polity, History, Geography, International Law, even Bollywood, and Harry Potter. Unique quizzes included the Independence Day quiz (held on the 12th August) and the Business Quiz hosted by alumnus Omkar Dhakephalkar in collaboration with the ILS Corporate Law Cell (held on the 3rd of February). The aim of the Club is to provide a forum for intellectually inquisitive students to connect with non-legal domains of knowledge, and train to participate in Pune’s active and rigorous quizzing culture.

On the 3rd of September, the ILS Quiz Club hosted the 4th edition of ‘Q’, its annual state-level inter-collegiate quiz competition. With the participation of 48 teams, approximately 100 participants participated for three prizes.

This year’s winners were

  1. 1st place: Karan Kamath and Nikhil Joseph Zacarias (SLS Pune)
  2. 2nd place: Aman Shaikh and Dhananjay Jagtap (COEP)
  3. 3rd place: Anurag Choudhary and Arnabh Sengupta (PICT-AFMC cross)
  4. Best Internal Team: Gurtej Pal Singh and Satish Rai (V B.S.L.)

The quiz was set and hosted by Sruthi and Sravya Darbhamulla of the final year.

The ILS Quiz Club is also event-in-charge for the LegalEase Quiz. This year, the event was co-ordinated by Ammu Azhakath Sasidharan (IV B.S.L.), who set and conducted the finals, and Indranil Ghawade who set the elimination round, as well as Tarun Srikanth from the third year.
The Winners of the quiz were Gurtej Pal Singh and Satish Rai, with the first runner up team being Mrinalini and Rakesh (II LLB) and the second runners-up being Arul Kanhere and Soham Bhalerao (I BA LLB)

Members of the Quiz Club have represented the college at various quizzing events in the city such as the Armed Forces Medical College General Quizzes and College of Engineering Pune BCQC’s InFest. A selection of their achievements is as follows:

  1. Indranil Ghawade and Mohit Talwar – Symbiosis School of Economics (Sympulse) and BMCC College Quizzes (Finalists)
  2. Ammu Sasidharan and Divyanshu Sharma – Symbiosis School of Economics (Sympulse) – 3rd place, INTACH (Pune Rounds)- 4th place.
  3. Sruthi Darbhamulla and Sravya Darbhamulla – ConQuest 2016 and B.J. Medical College Quiz (Finalists), the Boat Club Quiz Club’s College Team of the Year- 3rd place

Members of the club who also hosted as quizmasters for multiple sessions include: Praful Shukla, Ayush Abhinav and Tarun Srikanth (III B.S.L.), Divyanshu Sharma (IV B.S.L.), Gurtej Pal Singh and Satish Rai (V B.S.L.). The student coordinators for 2016-17 are: Indranil Ghawade, Mohit Talwar and Asmit Aggarwal (III B.S.L.), Ammu Sasidharan (IV B.S.L.) and Sruthi and Sravya Darbhamulla (V BSL).