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ILS Law College

Ils Law College Is A Community Of Students & Staff Dedicated To Bringing Out The Best In All Of Its Members. Our Aim Is To Provide The Finest Opportunities & Environment For Teaching, Learning & Research. We Have A Distinguished Record Of Academic Excellence And Innovation Since The Foundation Of The College Is 1924.

The Basic Principle Behind The Foundation Of ILS Law College Was To Establish A Regularized System Of Imparting Legal Education. Staying True To It We Have Endeavored And Achieved This Ambition And Maintained Our Standards Of Excellence For Over 100 Years Now.

Founded on June 20th, 1924 as the Law College, Poona when the University of Bombay gave its sanction for a college of law in Poona.
Graded A+ in 2004 and A in 2019 by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore.
Ranked 1st amongst the Top Ten Law Colleges in the country by the India Today, ORG-MARG poll survey in 2005, and by the ‘Week’ in 2006.
Awarded ‘SILF-MILAT Institutional Excellence Award 2013′ by Society of Indian Law Firms and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training, Delhi.
Awarded ‘Best Private Education Institute 2012-13’ in the Law School Category by WCRC Leaders Asia.
Spread over a 154 acres campus in the heart of the city of Pune.
A faculty comprising of highly qualified & committed people.
A library rated one amongst the best in India, with over 59073 books and bound volumes of periodicals along with national and international journals and magazines.
A Boys’ Hostel with a capacity of over 150 male students.
Girls’ Hostels to accommodate 210 lady students.
An enormous range of student clubs and societies, particularly the Mooting, Debate and Drama societies, besides the sports, trekking and other extra curricular clubs.
Funded by the Ford Foundation, USA during 1996-2000 to sustain our tradition of innovation in teaching techniques and methods of learning.
1st volume of ILS Law Review released in March 2008
LL.M. Programme started in 2010-11
Women’s Studies Centre established in 2011
International Collaboration between the VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands and ILS, comprising of Ph.D. programs and setting up of Law and Policy Action Lab at ILS Launched in December 2012.
Selected by Government of India as one of the Premier Institutions eligible for Central Sector Scholarship Scheme of Top Class Education for Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Scheduled Caste (SC).
Law, according to us, is not an activity of the State, but part of our life. There is no activity of human life with which law is not concerned. Law is the foundation of the universe and everything is centered in law. This belief is expressed in our motto “धर्मे सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम्” (Everything is centered in law).Guided by this philosophy, ILS has nurtured its own educational culture.
Situated at the foot of the Law College Hill, ILS flourishes with a lush green campus of 154 acres with a lovely hill, birds, and trees creating a treasured pollution-free ambiance.


ILS Law College is a community of Students & Staff dedicated to bringing out the best in all of its members. Our aim is to provide the finest opportunities & environment for teaching, learning & research. We have a distinguished record of academic excellence and innovation since the foundation of the college is 1924. The basic principle behind the foundation of ILS Law College was to establish a regularized system of imparting legal education. Staying true to it we have endeavored and achieved this ambition and maintained our standards of excellence for over 100 years now. Ranked amongst the top Law Colleges in the Country, we believe in creating a relaxed and flexible environment to allow students to grow and develop at their own pace.

The courses offered here are a product of critical thought and careful experiment over many productive years. We offer an education characterized by a mixture of theory and practice and a commitment to public service. This college has always been a firm believer in innovation, both in pedagogy and curriculum. In tune with the recent globalization of the profession, a new experiment in learning and teaching of law was proposed to the Ford Foundation at New Delhi for funds under their program ‘Rights & Social Justice’ and was implemented. Striving further to harbor individuality of thought and expression and the stimulation to reach the acme of the legal profession, this college organizes a multitude of workshops, conferences, and lectures. It has always been the foremost aim of this college to insist on giving students the independence to use the abounding opportunities available and carve out their own niche in college life.

At this college, we give special emphasis on perspectives and insights from other disciplines and encourages an integrated approach to law and an exploration of the legal profession’s social-economic role and ethical commitments.

Our Mission

“कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्” |

– Rigveda, Mandala-9, Sukta-63, R.Ca-5

We will make the whole world “Aaryam”. The word “Aaryam” refers to moral, cultural and spiritual excellence leading to eternal happiness. It shall be the ideal of this Society, for the accomplishment of which, its efforts will always be directed towards an all round elevation of the entire population of this vast country. It should be raised to a level of equality on a higher plane ensuring everlasting peace, prosperity and higher mentality. The Society looks forward to a period of time when as a result of the advancement of the people in their morals and outlook on life, the distinctions on the ground of birth will disappear by reason of all reaching a higher level of mental and moral excellence. The prayer of the Society will be to raise the nation to that ideal and its efforts will always be directed with that end in view:

Our Vision

धर्मो विश्वस्य जगतः प्रतिष्ठा ।लोके धर्मिष्ठं प्रजा उपसर्पन्ति ।
धर्मेण पापमपनुदति । धर्मे सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् । तस्माद्धर्म परमं वदन्ति ।

Law Is The Foundation Of The Whole Universe. People Follow Him Who Respects The Law. By Law Are All Transgressions Cured. In Fact, Everything Is Centred In Law. Hence Law Is Considered To Be Supreme.

An Enviable Legacy

More than 100 Years of Nation Building – Our Contribution…

Justice P.B. Gajendragadkar: Chief Justice, Supreme Court of India (1964-66)
Justice Y.V. Chandrachud: Chief Justice, Supreme Court of India (1977-85)
Justice E.S. Venkataramaih: Chief Justice, Supreme Court of India (1987-89)
Shri K. M. Reddy: Former Governor of Maharashtra
Shri Y.B. Chavan: Former Deputy Prime Minister of India
Shri Mohan Dharia: Former Minister of Commerce
Dr. Prabha Atre: Indian Classical Vocalist
Shri Arun Kirloskar: Industrialist
Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh: Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra
Prof. S.P. Sathe: Former Director, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) and Ex-Principal, ILS Law College
Shri Sushilkumar Shinde: Home Minister, Govt. of India & Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra
Dr. Alice Jacob: Former Director of Indian Law Institute and Ex-Member, Law Commission of India