Indian Law Society’s

The search for knowledge cannot be confined within the boundaries of any definite curriculum.  To keep pace with the rapidly changing world we need to look beyond set curricula and innovate to create courses that emphasize on the advanced legal aspects by combining theory and practice of law. We are emphasizing on the advanced legal aspects by combining theory and practice of law. Under our TOWARDS CONSCIOUS LEGAL EDUCATION (TCLE), the College combines the traditional curriculum with an imaginative approach in its course design, which is more relevant and more practical.  The curriculum will be taught with a perspective which will provide a student with an all round education that would develop rigorous analytical skills and encourage independent thinking.  In addition to the courses affiliated to SPPU, TCLE offers various diplomas and certificate courses to bridge the gap between curriculum and practical exposure.

These courses will not only cover the practical working of law but also provides a base in theories of law creation, development and helps to place law in its social context. The courses allow students to enhance the knowledge by keeping pace with practice.

Click Here for TCLE Prospectus 2017-18

Click Here for TCLE Prospectus 2016-17

Click Here for TCLE Prospectus 2015-16

Click Here for TCLE Prospectus 2014-15

Click Here for TCLE Prospectus 2013-14