Awards & Prizes

(1) Best Student Award

Late Smt. Saraswati Kanetkar Best Student Award For the students of III rd Year of the Three Year Law Course and Late Shri Balwant Kulkarni Best Student Award For the students of Vth Year of the Five Year Law Course is conferred after a rigorous interview process.

The students are evaluate on the following parameters-

I. Educational Background and Academic Performance

II. Family Background

III. Student will be Assessed on the Basis of your Participation and Achievements in the Following Activities  Conducted and / or Supported by the college:

      1. Legal Aid
      2. Advocacy Skills Activities
      3. Moot Court
      4. Research & Publication
      5. Debate / Elocution / MUN / Parliamentary Debate
      6. Paper Presentation in Seminars / Conferences
      7. Essay / Comment (Case, Legislation, Bill) & Drafting
      8. Supplementary Courses at ILS & outside
      9. Sports
      10. Cultural Activities
      11. Social Work & Human Rights

The faculty will also assess the students on the basis of extra-ordinary performance, contributions in college activities, efforts in organizing events, capacity building and leadership qualities showcased from time to time.
Students are required to furnish necessary relevant documents in support of their claim made with respect to above pointers.

IV. Any other Information you want to Convey

Disqualification to apply for Best Student Award

  1. Students who have not attended the classes @ 75% per term of the final year
  2. Students who have failed in any subject any time during the law course
  3. Students against whom any disciplinary action is taken, by the Society / College / University / any other court
  4. Students who are defaulters in attendance in any of the preceding years

Best Student Award is declared on the basis assessment of Academic and Non Academic ( co-curricular and Extra-curricular) Activities which has to be above 50%.