Code of Conduct for Student

Rules & Regulations

  • It is mandatory for every student to attend at least 75% of total lectures held in each term in the college, as per Ordinance No. 68 of the University of Pune.
  • Strict Disciplinary Action will be taken against students indulging in any kind of Ragging activity (as defined by The Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999) inside or outside the college.
  •  Law courses taught in the college are Professional Courses and Students must dress appropriately for the same. Shorts, short tops, short skirts and bermudas are not allowed. Teachers’ instructions in this respect shall be followed.

Dress code for Girls

  • Full Jeans / Trousers and Tops
  • Salwar Kameez
  • Sarees

Dress code for boys

  • Full Jeans / Trousers
  • Shirts / T-Shirts
  • Students must wear Identity cards at all times while in campus

College Undertakings for students

  1. I hereby undertake, if admitted, to attend lectures (Minimum 75%) and all internal assessment programs in the college. If I fail to do so, my term will not be granted.
  2. I hereby submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the authorities of the university /and the authorities of the college, and shall observe ad abide by the rules made by them.
  3. I understand that if admitted, my admission will be confirmed only on my production of the transference certificate/migration certificate from my previous college or educational institution and the final eligibility certificate of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.
  4. I undertake to take an identity card immediately and carry it with me while in the college premises and to produce it when demanded by college staff.
  5. I understand that the curriculum and the fee structure and admission rules and criteria for this year, law course over the years is likely to be revised from time to time by the Savitribai Phule Pune University, or the state government or the college and that fees might increase and I undertake to pay the increased fees whenever demanded by the college and to comply with the rules from time to time.
  6. I am aware the mobile phones, or similar electronic instruments have to be switched off in classrooms, library and during any activity in the college. If such instruments ring or are used during classes, in the library or during activities, the instruments are liable to be confiscated by the college authorities, or fine may be imposed by the college.
  7. I am aware that smoking cigarettes or taking any addictive substance in college premises including the canteen, hostel, mess prohibited and if found doing these, I will be liable for disciplinary action.
  8. I am also aware that it is my responsibility to keep college premises clean.
  9. I promise not to indulge in any ragging activity (as defined by ‘the Maharashtra prohibition of ragging act, 1999) inside or outside the college.
  10. I promise not to indulge in cyber-crime or post any derogatory comment about the college, teachers or fellow students in social media.

Q157. Maintenance of discipline and good conduct by students
(Under section 87 and section 39 (III) of Poona university act, 1974)

    1. Every student, during term course, shall be under discipline jurisdiction of competent authority which shall take appropriate action in case of indiscipline, misconduct on the part of the student.
    2. Definition: in these ordinance unless the context otherwise requires,
      • ‘Student’ means and includes the person who is enrolled as such by university, Affiliated college or Recognized institution and or for qualifying for any degree of diploma or certificate the university.

Note:- This includes external students also.

    • ‘Institution’ means and include university/Affiliated college/Recognised institution as the case may be inclusive of the campus, Hostel, playground, Laboratory, Libraries, gymnasium thereof.
    • ‘Competent authority’ for the purpose of these ordinance means include Head of the teaching department of the university, principal affiliated college, Head of recognized institution for concerned student as such other person, vested with the authority by vice chancellor for external student.

Provided in respect of misconduct regarding university examination, Execute Council shall only be competent Authority.

    1. Obligation of student : Every student, shall all time,
      • Conduct himself properly,
      • Maintain proper behavior,
      • Observe strict discipline, both within campus of the institution, Hostel and also outside, in buses, Railway-Trains or at public places or education trip arranged by institution or at play Grounds.
      • Ensure that no act of this consciously or unconsciously brings the institution or any establishment or authority connected with it into disrespect.
    2. Any act of a student which is contrary to the previous of clause (3) constitute misconduct and/or indiscipline, which term shall mean and include, among others, any one more of the acts jointly or severally mentioned hereinafter, name.
      • Any act that directly or indirectly cause or attempt to cause distribution in the lawful functioning of the institution.
      • Habitual un-punctuality in attending lectures, tutorials, practical, and other course as may be prescribed.
      • Repeated absence from lectures, tutorials, practical, and other course as may be prescribed.
      • Occupation of any building such as, hostel room, and residential quarter such other accommodation in the premises owned or hired by the institution, without prior permission from the competent Authority.
      • Permitting or conniving with any person not authorized to occupy any hostel-room, residential quarter, or any accommodation or any part thereof of the institution.
      • Securing admission in the institution, to any undergraduate or post graduate programme or any other course by fabrication and suppression of facts or information.
      • Obstruction to any student or group of students in his or there legitimate activity as such, whether in classroom, Laboratories, fields, playground, gymnasium or places of social and cultural activity within the campus of the institution.
      • Suppressing material information or supply of false information to the institution, for seeking any privilege.
      • Possessing or using any fire arms, lethal weapons, explosive, or dangerous or corrosive substance on the premises of the institution.
      • Possessing or consuming any poison or stupefying drugs or intoxicant in any form of institution.
      • Ragging, bullying, harassing any student in institution or outside thereof.
      • Indulging in any act as would cause annoyance, embarrassment to any other student, or member of the authority of the institution to staff member or any member of family of the staff.
      • Indulging in any act of violence, assault, intimidation or threatening in the institution or hostel or outside thereof.
      • Destroying or attempting to destroy or temper with any official record or document of institution.
      • Conduct unbecoming of the student, at any meeting or special function or sports and cultural activity arranged by the institutional or at any other public place.
      • Stealing or damaging any farm produce or any property belonging to the institution, staff member of the institution or any other student.
      • Instigating violence or participating in any violent demonstration or agitation or violent streak in the institution.
      • Instigating or participating in any gherao of any official or any staff member of the Institution
      • Violation of any of the rules and regulation of the Institution or orders of the competent authority
      • Gambling in any form in the Institution
      • Disorderly behavior in any form or any act specifically forbidden by the competent authority
      • Refusal to appear to give evidence before Enquiry officer appointed by the competent authority with respect to a charge against him
      • Any act violating any provision of the Poona university act, 1974, Statutes, Ordinance Rules made there under.
      • Conviction, in the court of Law for criminal offence, involving moral turpitude.
      • Any other act not specifically mentioned hereto before which, whether by commission or omission as would in the circumstances of the case be considered by the competent authority as in act of misconduct and/or indiscipline.
    3. The Competent authority may impose any one or more of the following punishment/s on the students found guilty of misconduct, indiscipline, in propone thereof :
      • Warning /Censure/Reprimand.
      • Fine not exceeding Rs. 300/-
      • Cancellation of the scholarship/award/prize/medal, awarded to the student by the concerned Institution, with prospective effect.
      • Expulsion from the concerned institution
      • Debarring from admission to a course or courses of study in the concern institution.

Debarring from appearing for examination or examinations ducted by the institution concerned, for a specific period, not exceed five years.

    • Cancellation of the result of the student concerned in the examination the concerned institution, in which he has appeared.
    • Rustication from the institution for the period not exceeding years.
  1. If the competent authority is satisfied that there is a prima facie case inflicting penalties, mentioned in Clause No. 5, it may itself or through other person, persons, authorized by it, for this purpose, shall make enquiry, in following manner.
    • Due notice in writing shall be given to the student concerned above alleged act of misconduct/ indiscipline.
    • Student charged shall be required within 15 days of the notice to __his written representation about such charge/s.
    • If the student fails to submit his written representation within specific time limit, the enquiry may be ex parte.
    • If oral evidence of the witness against student is recorded by the Enquiry Authority, the student charges shall be given an opportunity to examine the witness concerns.
    • If the student charged, desire to see the relevant document, such document, as are being taken into consideration or are to be relied for purposes of proving the charge or charges, may at the discretion the enquiry authority, be shown to him after the notice as provide sub-clause (1) above is furnished to him.
    • The student charged shall be required to produce documents, if any support of his defence. The Enquiry Authority may admit relevant evidence, documentary or otherwise at any stage before the final are passed.
    • Legal practitioner shall not be allowed to appear on behalf of the student charged, in the proceeding before the Enquiry Authority.
    • Enquiry Authority shall record finding on each implication of misconduct or indiscipline, and the reasons for such finding and submit the along with proceeding to the competent authority.
    • The Competent authority on the basis of finding, shall pass such as it deems fit.
  2. Provided procedure prescribed above need not be followed and all or any of provision may be waived in the following circumstance:-
    • When the student charged admits the charges in writing.
    • When the order of punishment is to be based on facts which have led to the conviction of the students charged, for the offence involving moral turpitude.
    • When the student charged has absconded or for any other reasons it is impracticable to communicate with him.
    • If in the opinion of the competent authority, a punishment or fine not exceeding Rs. 50/- or reprimand Censure, warning is sufficient.
  3. if the punishment of rustication is imposed on a student by principal of the college/Head of the teaching department of such other person whom the authority is vested by the Vice-Chancellor for external student, such student shall be entitled to prefer an appeal to the executive council of the university within thirty days of the receipt of the notice of punishment.
  4. In respect of such student, Head of the Institution shall maintain record of the punishment.
  5. The Institution shall, on each occasion of any punishment being imposed any student, intimate by letter, to be sent under a Certificate of posting, the fact of such imposition to the parent or guardian of such student on the address available the college records
  6. A copy of these rules shall be supplied to each student at the time of his admission to the Institution and a receipt for the same shall be obtained from the student. This receipt shall form a part of the record of the admission the student.
  7. If any foreign student is admitted for any course, concerned Institution shall and copy of the rules to concerned foreign embassy and department of external affairs.

Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016

Disciplinary Powers and Discipline amongst Students

Sec. 127.

  1. All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action in relation to the students of the university departments and institutions and colleges maintained by the university, shall vest in the Vice-Chancellor.
  2. The Vice-Chancellor may, by an order, delegate all or any of his powers under sub-section (1), as he deems fit, to such other officer as he may nominate in that behalf.
  3. The Vice-Chancellor may, in the exercise of his powers, by an order, direct that any student or students be expelled or rusticated for a specified period, or be not admitted to a course or courses of study in conducted college, institution or department of the university for a specified period, or be punished with fine, as prescribed by the university, or be debarred from taking an examination or evaluation conducted by the department, conducted college or institution maintained by the university for a specified period not exceeding five years or that the result of the student or students concerned in the examination or evaluation in which he or they have appeared, be cancelled: Provided that, the Vice-Chancellor shall give reasonable opportunity of being heard to the student concerned, if expulsion is for a period exceeding one year.
  4. Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor, the principals of conducted colleges, heads of university institutions and the heads of departments of the university shall have authority to exercise all such powers over the student in their respective charge as may be necessary for the maintenance of proper discipline.
  5. Provisions as regards discipline and proper conduct for students of the university and the action to be taken against them for breach of discipline or misconduct shall be as may be prescribed by the Statutes, which shall apply to the students of all its conducted colleges and university departments or institutions, affiliated colleges and recognized institutions.
  6. Statutes relating to discipline and proper conduct for students, and the action to be taken against them for breach of discipline or misconduct, shall also be published in the prospectus of the university, affiliated college or recognized institution and every student shall be supplied with a copy of the same. The principals of the colleges and heads of the institutions, maintained by the university and affiliated colleges, may, prescribe additional norms of discipline and proper conduct, not inconsistent with the Statutes, as they think necessary and every student shall be supplied with a copy of such norms.
  7. At the time of admission, every student shall sign a declaration to the effect that he submits himself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and the other officers and authorities or bodies of the university and the authorities or bodies of the conducted colleges, affiliated colleges and recognized institutions, and shall observe and abide by the Statutes made in that behalf and in so far as they may apply, the additional norms made by the principals of conducted colleges and heads of university institutions and affiliated colleges.
  8. All powers relating to disciplinary action against students of an affiliated college or recognized institution not maintained by the university, shall vest in the principal of the affiliated college or head of the recognized institution, and the provisions of the sub-sections (6) and (7) including the Statutes made thereunder, shall mutatis-mutandis apply to such colleges, institutions and students therein.

The Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging, Act,1999

  1. Ragging within or outside of any educational institution is prohibited.
  2. Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates ragging within or outside any educational institution shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees.
  3. Any student convicted of an offence under section 4 shall be dismissed from the educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution for a period of five years from the date of order of such dismissal.
  4. (1) Whenever any student or, as the case may be, the parent or guardian, or a teacher of an educational institution complains, in writing, of ragging to the head of the educational institution, the head of that educational institution shall, without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, within seven days of the receipt of the complaint, enquire into the matter mentioned in the complaint and if, prima facie, it is found true, suspend the student who is accused of the offence, and shall, immediately forward the complaint to the Police Station having jurisdiction over the area in which the educational institution is situated, for further action.