Criminal Law Cell 2016 - 17

Faculty In-charge: Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray
The Criminal Law Cell established in the academic year 2015 with an objective of enhancing academic activities of students in the understanding of the Criminal Justice System. The center serves as a platform for students to have insightful discussion pertaining to the field of criminal law.

The Cell organizes guest lectures, seminars, weekly sessions and training program for students in the field of Criminal Law.

Guest Lectures: This Academic year commenced with a guest lecture delivered by Justice M. L. Thaliana, Lokayukta State of Maharashtra, on the topic of ‘Evidence in Criminal Procedure’ for the students on 28th July 2016. He focused on the issues of importance of dying declaration in criminal trial and on the role of approver. From the Academic point of view he also highlighted on the 26/11 trail of Ajmal Kasab.

Prof. Frank Bonwan III, faculty member at the School of Law, University Of Missouri, conducted a session on “American and International Law in the Age of Donald Trump”. He elucidated the working of the criminal justice system in America and proceeded to explore the U.S. Presidential Election, critiquing the policies of the newly elected President.

Students Weekly Sessions: Oorjasvi Goswami (IV BSL, LL.B) conducted the first weekly session on “Gulbarg Society Massacre case”. The session provided in-depth account of the massacre and brought in light the present situation of the case filed by the victims. Layanyaa Chopra (IV B.S.L.LL.B) conducted second weekly session on Official Secrets Act 1923. Ayush Abhinav (III B.A. LL.B) conducted third weekly session on Forensic toxicology and its evidentiary importance in criminal trials. The Cell screened the movie “12 Angry Men” which was followed by a discussion on the efficacy of the jury system in England and India. In the Indian context the case of K .M. Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra and its repercussions on the jury system in India was also discussed. In the Second semester of the academic year a session was conducted for the first year students on “Introduction to Criminal Law”. The students were made acquainted with the nuances of the Indian Penal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Indian Evidence Act. Kritika Shekhawat (IV BSL, LL.B) conducted a weekly session on the topic “Reasonableness of Beyond Reasonable Doubt”. She drew a parallel between the reasonable criteria duly followed in the American Criminal Justice system and the Indian Criminal Justice System. Recommendations of Malimath Committee Report was also discussed in the session. In the Month of January a session was conducted on the Nuremberg Trial. The entire trial and its impact on the current framework of International Criminal Law was thoroughly reviewed. Oorjasvi Goswami conducted a concluding session on “Fake Encounters”.

Conference: The Criminal Law Cell organized a National Conference on Unexplored Criminal Law on 20th and 21st January 2016. A detail report of the conference is reported in the Conference Report Section.