Minutes of Meetings and Action Taken Report







Date: 16/6/2018

Venue: Conference Hall

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To discuss about admission procedure for existing law students and for first year students through CET:

Dr. Deepa Paturkar informed the members about the schedule of admission process for regular students. Ms. Rutuja Sawant and Ms. Priyanka Kusmude informed the members about the steps taken by the admisision and accounts department for admission of regular students. Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray briefed the members about the process of admission for first year students by CET in online mode. It was resolved to conduct orientation and training programme for admission process and the responsibility was given to Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray. It was further resolved that all teachers to participate in the admission process by rotation.

  1. To review the stationery for conduct of Examination

Principal reviewed the availability of stationery for conduct of internal as well as external examination. Ms. Rutuja Sawant and Ganesh More were given the responsibility of ensuring availability of stationery for examination and for taking necessary steps.

  1. To orient the staff about prevention of sexual harassment policy of the institution

Principal informed the members about zero tolerance policy of the institution towards sexual harassment. Principal intimated the members about the existence and the composition of the Internal Committee for prevention of sexual harassment in the institution.

  1. To discuss about appointment of additional teaching staff for law and social sciences

The need for appointment of additional teaching staff for law as well as social sciences was discussed. It was decided to recruit additional teaching staff according to the requirement on adhoc basis until the government removes the ban on recruitment of teaching staff. It was also decided to secure approval of the University for the newly appointed teaching staff.

  1. To discuss about purchase of additional computers for newly appointed staff

Principal reviewed number of computers available in the college for student and faculty use. It was resolved to purchase additional computers for faculty in view of recruitment of additional staff.

  1. To decide about website updation

Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonar informed the members about need for moving towards paperless office. Accordingly various facilities which could be made available online were discussed. It was resolved that website should be updated suitably after discussion with web designer for providing features like :

– Issuance of Certificates, Feedback System, Photocopy and Revaluation of Examination of First Year Students, Staff Profile, Student Dashboard, Management Information System of Students and Teachers, Donation Portal

Ms. Priyanka Kusmude was given the responsibility of executing the above work.

  1. To discuss about creation of separate website for library

Mr. Santosh Jaybhay discussed the need for creation of separate website for library. It was resolved that a separate website of library be created. It was further resolved that web OPAC facility, links to all e-databases subscribed be provided on the website.

  1. To decide about environmental friendly measures for disposal of e-waste

Principal raised the issue about disposal of e-waste. It was decided that a suitable agency be found out for its disposal. It was further resolved that buyback system be followed wherever possible.

  1. To decide about creation of common platform for teaching and non-teaching staff for communication of internal notices

For creation of common platform for communication between teaching and non teaching staff it was resolved to use medium of google groups and whatsapp groups wherever possible.

  1. To discuss about training programmes for staff

It was resolved to conduct following training programmes for staff :

  1. Teaching & Non teaching: Admission process
  2. Accounts Staff: Whenever accounts software are renewed or new softwares are purchased
  3. Library staff: Whenever SLIM 21 Software is updated
  4. For operation of photocopy machine to the concerned staff
  5. Any other business to be transacted

As no other business was to be transacted the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks.



Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 



Date: 21/07/2018

Venue: IQAC Office

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To review minutes of the earlier meeting dated 28-04-2018. 
    Minutes of earlier meeting held on 28-04-2018 were read and approved.
  2. Introduction of newly appointed teaching staff and librarian

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi introduced the newly recruited teaching staff and librarian to the members. The new staff members were oriented about the college, its vision, mission, core values, activities and goals by the Principal.

  1. Discussion of Academic Calendar

It was resolved to approve the Academic Calendar prepared in the faculty meeting held on 16-07-2018 for the First Semester of Academic Year 2018-19  and to upload it on the website.

  1. Allocation of Departments

It was resolved that faculty members to continue to be in-charge of the department allotted in the academic year 2017-18 until further notice. Also newly recruited faculty members were given the responsibility of certain activities.

 Allotment of Mentors

Role of Mentor – mentee system for redressal of student grievances was discussed. It was resolved to allot mentor to each class. Mr. Ashish Pawar was assigned with responsibility to coordinate the allotment along with Principal Vaijayanti Joshi.

  1. Approval of course contents /syllabus of new/ existing certificate and diploma programs 
    Resolution:It was resolved to approve and continue following certificate and diploma programs under the aegis of TCLE: 

    1. Diploma in Corporate Law
    2. Diploma in Human Rights
    3. Certificate course on ‘What? How? And Why? Of Learning the Law
    4. Certificate Program on Criminal Law Practice and Procedure
    5. Certificate Program on Civil Procedure Code
    6. Certificate Course in Intellectual Property Rights Laws

Along with the above existing courses it was decided to carry on additional courses as below:

  1. Certificate Course on Fundamentals of Research Methodology with Dr. Sanjay Jain as the coordinator
  2. Course on ‘Women, Gender and Law’ by Women Studies Centre in association with Department of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia with Dr. Jaya Sagade as the coordinator.


8. Review of action plan and action taken report of IQAC for the academic year 2017-18.

Dr. Suvarna Nilakh briefed the attendees about the action plan of IQAC for academic year 2017-18 and how it is implemented at various levels in college. Members found the report satisfactory and it was accepted without changes.

 Review of AQAR for academic year 2017-18.

Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar presented overview of AQAR of academic year 2017-18 being submitted to NAAC.

  1. Review of Self Study Report being submitted to NAAC in the revised accreditation framework.

Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar briefed the members about progress of SSR and the Criterion wise inputs. In the light of this following resolutions were made for timely submission of IIQA and SSR to NAAC:-

  1. Preparation of schedule and strict adherence to it for IIQA submission.
  2. Purchase of new laptop solely for NAAC work.
  3. Joint reading of criterion wise inputs for cross referencing.
  4. College website to be updated and to be made more accessible.
  1. Any other business with the permission of the Chair
    1. Purchase of Smart Podium: As a measure to upgrade ICT infrastructure of the college it was resolved to purchase 3 smart podiums for use in classrooms no.1, 6 & 8, conference hall and Hall No. 5 i.e. Principal Pandit Auditorium. For this purpose, Ms. Swatee Yogessh was given the responsibility.
    2. Initiation of Cyber Law Cell: Dr. Suvarna Nilakh put forth the proposal made by students namely Pranita Saboo (V B.A.LL.B.), Akash Khatri (IV B.A.LL.B.), Preksha Chand (III B.A.LL.B.) about establishment of Cyber Law Cell in the college. The proposal of the students was discussed in the meeting. It was resolved that the proposal is worth considering taking into account the recent developments in the field of cyber crimes and information technology. Accordingly, it was resolved to initiate Cyber Law Cell in the college and Dr. Suvarna Nilakh was given the responsibility to look after the cell as coordinator.
    3. Initiation of National Sports Fest: Mr. Santosh Jaybhay put forth a proposal of holding a National Sports Fest in the college for law college students. He explained the nature of event, the competitions to be covered, probable dates, financial and other arrangements required for it. It was resolved to hold a National Sports Fest for law college students in the college.
    4. English Diagnostic Test: Mr. Ashish Pawar, raised the issue about some students facing problems in English and pointed out the need to have some remedial coaching for the students who lack English communication skills. After discussion, it was resolved to conduct English diagnostic test first of all to understand level of the students and then to decide about remedial coaching. It was also resolved to limit the activity presently only for first year students.
    5. Deciding Theme of 13thP. Sathe Event: This year’s theme of S. P. Sathe event was discussed. It was resolved to hold this year’s S. P. Sathe event on the theme of ‘Taxation Laws’, and the responsibility was given to Ms. Smita Sabne.



Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 



Date: 29/08/2018

Venue: Hall No. 5, Principal Pandit Auditorium

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To explain the academic activities and future plan of action of the college

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi introduced the vision and mission of the institution as well as the strategic plan and the ultimate goal of becoming a University to the students. She then gave a brief overview of all the activities to be conducted by the college throughout the year along with various autonomous courses and competitions and urged the students to enrol in maximum number of activities for their career development.

  1. To explain the facilities available for students

Principal of the college gave information about various facilities available to the students like hostel, gymkhana, mess, swimming pool, playgrounds, canteen etc. Special mention was made about the rich library and various ICT facilities made available to the students including Wi-Fi, e-databases, etc.

  1. To discuss the time table of the course

The time table for all the divisions and classrooms allotted were informed to the students. 80-20 pattern introduced by the Savitribai Phule Pune University was also explained to the students.

  1. To explain the rules and regulations of the attendance and discipline

The rules & regulations of the college as regards attendance policy, dress code, code of conduct on campus & off campus, use of mobile etc. were explained by the Principal to the students. The student and parents were specially informed about the strict 75% attendance policy of the college.

  1. To explain the anti-ragging policy of the college

Principal explained in detail the zero tolerance of ragging and also explained to the students the provisions of the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999. She informed students about the anti-ragging committee established at the institution and asked students to approach the members of the committee or any faculty member whenever they want.

  1. Allotment of mentors

Principal explained to the students and parents the mentor-mentee system initiated by the college and also introduced the mentors appointed for all classes of B.A.LL.B. First Year that is:

  1. Division ‘A’: Ms. Pronema Bagchi
  2. Division ‘B’: Ms. Madhura Sawant
  3. Division ‘C’: Mr. Rohit Bokil
  4. Division ‘D’: Ms. Varsha Khandagale
  1. Any other business to be transacted
    1. Principal also informed the students about the existence of Internal Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the college to redress grievances related to sexual harassment.
    2. The students were informed about the availability of counselling facilities at ILS Law College in association with Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy


Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 



Date: 25/09/2018

Venue: IQAC Office

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To review the preparation of SSR to be submitted to NAAC.

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi reviewed the progress of preparation of SSR to the non-teaching staff. The non-teaching staff was asked to give correct information and provide all the necessary assistance for filling of the SSR as the college had decided to file IIQA by December, 2018. It was resolved to keep all the information required for ready before IIQA submission.

  1. Discuss the problems faced by non-teaching staff during preparation of SSR.

Principal asked the non-teaching staff to clarify any doubts or problems which they are facing while giving data for filling up of the SSR. The members discussed the problems faced in calculating student number under various categories like OMS, foreign students etc. Principal and IQAC members resolved their doubts satisfactorily.

  1. Discuss the problems faced by non-teaching staff during admission process.

The changes made by CET in the admission process were discussed. Verification of documents from this year was to be done online based on documents uploaded by the concerned candidate. The administrative staff informed that the process was going on smoothly and no major problems were faced. Also information was given that if any query arises, was to be solved with the help of admission committee and CET cell. Instructions were given to conduct admissions strictly following all the norms, due dates mentioned by CET cell and by following the reservation policy of the government. The responsibility was assigned to Ms. R.R. Sawant and Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray.

  1. Management of leave records through online mode.

As a step towards paperless office, Principal directed the office staff that there is a need to handle majority of the administrative work in online manner. As admisisons, eligibility, examination, scholarships were already being done in online manner, Dr. Suvarna Nilakh put forth a proposal for handling leave management in online mode. The proposal was discussed and it was unanimously resolved to initiate online leave management system for all the staff. Priyanka Kusmude was given the responsibility to take all the necessary steps required for the same and to communicate accordingly with our website designer.

  1. Reviewing and updating the accounting process and taxation software and appointment of additional staff.

Members reviewed the existing accounting process and directed the staff for timely submission of GST returns. Considering the increased workload of GST returns, it was resolved to appoint additional staff in accounts department.

  1. Intercom facility to be given to newly appointed teaching staff.

It was resolved to provide intercom facility to newly appointed teaching staff and the responsibility was given to Mr. Vijendra Sonawane.

  1. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.

As there was no other business to be transacted, meeting concluded with vote of thanks.


Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 



Date: 26/09/2018

Venue: Principal’s Office

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To overview the admission process.

The faculty-in-charge of admission and the head clerk explained the rules of admissions, classroom arrangements made for smooth conduct of admission process.

  1. To discuss the procedure and rules for MH-CET Law admissions for BA. LL.B. and LL.B. programs and instructions on conduct of admissions under CET process.

The Process of Common Entrance Test instituted by State of Maharashtra was discussed and following instructions were given by Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray:-

  1. CET cell rules as regards admission to be strictly followed.
  2. Merit list will be issued by the CET cell to college.
  3. The registration of merit listed candidates from 9 am to 11 am in College office on the days of admissions as per CET cell instructions.
  4. Verification of documents and eligibility of the candidate to be done by panel of one teacher and one non-teaching staff in allotted classrooms from 11 am onwards.
  5. College admission form to be filled in online mode in the library.


  1. To allocate responsibilities for the admission process

It was resolved as under

  1. Nitish Nawsagaray to look after planning and conducting of the admission process by coordinating with the CET Cell.
  2. Rutuja Sawant and Mr. Ganesh More to look after eligibility process of admitted students as per the SPPU rules.
  3. Any other business with the permission of Chair

As there was no other business to be transacted, the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.



Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 




Date: 08/10/2018

Venue: Hall No. 5, Principal Pandit Auditorium

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To explain the academic activities and future plan of action of the college

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi introduced the vision and mission of the institution as well as the strategic plan and the ultimate goal of becoming full-fledged law University to the students. She then gave a brief overview of all the cells, centres and their activities to be conducted by the college throughout the year along with various autonomous courses and competitions and urged the students to enrol in maximum number of activities for their career development.

  1. To explain the facilities available for students

Principal of the college gave information about various facilities available to the students like hostel, gymkhana, mess, swimming pool, playgrounds, canteen etc. Students were especially informed about the rich library and various ICT facilities made available to the students including Wi-Fi, e-databases, etc.

  1. To discuss the time table of the course

The time table for all the divisions and classrooms allotted were informed to the students.

  1. To discuss about the new syllabus introduced by the University and Optional subjects:

Principal acquainted the students with the new syllabus introduced by the University. She also explained availability of all optional groups for the students at ILS. Various optional groups, subjects there under, scope of each of the group was discussed.

  1. To discuss examination pattern

80-20 pattern introduced by the University from Academic Year 2017-18, internal examinations, its assessment was explained to the students in detail.

  1. To explain the rules and regulations of the attendance and discipline

The rules & regulations of the college as regards attendance policy, dress code, code of conduct on campus & off campus, use of mobile etc. were explained by the Principal to the students. The student and parents were specially informed about the strict 75% attendance policy of the college.

  1. To explain mechanisms available at the college for redressal of grievances related to sexual harassment

Principal strictly told the students about abstaining from engaging into activities which might result into sexual harassment. Principal informed the students about existence of Internal Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the college to deal with complaints related to sexual harassment.

  1. To discuss counselling facility at the college

Principal informed about availability of counselling facility for the students at the college in association with sister unit Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy.

  1. To explain the anti-ragging policy of the college

Principal explained in detail zero tolerance towards ragging and also explained to the students the provisions of the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999. She gave information about the committee members on the anti-ragging committee and asked the students to approach the committee or any faculty member as and when required.

  1. Allotment of mentors

Principal explained to the students and parents the mentor-mentee system initiated by the college and also introduced the mentors appointed for all classes of LL.B. First Year that is:

  1. Division ‘A’: Sampada Kangane
  2. Division ‘B’: Anagha Limbale
  3. Division ‘C’: Dr. Kamlakar Waghmare
  1. Any other business to be transacted

As there was no other business to be transacted, the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.



Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 



Date: 03/11/2018

Venue: IQAC Office

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To discuss about Internal Examination

The members were acquainted with the 80-20 pattern of examination introduced by the University from Academic Year 2017-18. Separate Incharge for conducting these examinations for B.A.LL.B. – I, II, LL.B. –I and LL.B. –II were already appointed. They discussed the issues faced by them. It was resolved that:

  1. Internal examination to be conducted with utmost seriousness. Syllabus should be informed 10 days before the internal exams.
  2. Marks should be given strictly according to merit
  3. Marks to be displayed on the notice board
  4. Students should be allowed to see their answer sheets on a pre-decided date.
  5. Retest to be conducted only once in a semester.
  6. Students who have passed will not to be allowed for improvement according to University rules.
  7. Ordinance of University which gave grace marks to a student on scoring ‘6’ marks in the University was also discussed and it was decided that students should get benefit of that ordinance wherever applicable.
  8. Utmost care to be taken while uploading internal marks to the University. Accordingly, following faculty members were given responsibility of it :
    • Dynaneshwar Kendre as College Examination officer to appoint Head of the Department
    • Ashish Pawar, Ms. Shweta Chandrashekhar, Ms. Varsha Khandagale, Ms. Isha Saxena, Ms. Aarti Tayde were appointed as Head of the Department
    • HOD’s to appoint Internal Examiners
    • Profile on SPPU website to be updated.
  9. To decide about Assessment Programme of First Year

Decision of the University requiring each affiliated college to conduct Assessment of first year BALLB and LLB students at the college level and to declare result including preparation of mark sheet was intimated to the faculty members. It was decided to appoint a separate Incharge for this purpose. It was resolved to appoint Ms. Swatee Yogessh as Asst. CAP Director for assessment of first year students of BALLB and LLB. It was resolved that utmost confidentiality be maintained in this respect.

  1. To discuss about feasibility of centralized UPS system

Librarian Mr. Madhukar Togam had put forth the proposal of installing a centralized UPS at Laxmi Building. The proposal was discussed in the meeting. But as the issue required other financial and technical considerations, it was resolved that Librarian would prepare a detailed proposal after consulting experts and then decision on it would be taken.

  1. To inform the faculty members about the Mediation Workshop organized by ILSCA

Principal informed faculty members about the ‘48 Hours Mediation Training Program’ organised by ILSCA from 26th November, 2018. The program was made open to faculty members of ILS. Principal also intimated the faculty members that the society had decided to provide financial assistance of Rs. 3,000/- to the faculty members for pursuing the course.

  1. To conduct review of mentor –mentee meetings

Principal took review of mentor mentee meetings conducted in each of the classes. Issues of the students were discussed and appropriate directions were given.

  1. To decide about joint reading of SSR to be submitted to NAAC

Principal overviewed the process of preparation of NAAC SSR. It was resolved to conduct joint reading of NAAC SSR so as to acquaint all the faculty members about the SSR on 16th and 17th November 2018

  1. To decide about purchasing additional books in view of changed syllabus

Librarian spoke about the need for subscribing for new books according to changed syllabus of the University. All the teachers were directed to take a review of books available in the library and give recommendations as per the syllabus and the subjects they teach. Librarian was also directed to activate online recommendation of new books by the teachers or even by the students through registration module.

  1. To consider the proposal for conduct of National Seminar on IPR

It was resolved to conduct National Seminar on ‘Unveiling Ventures of Intellectual Property Law’ in the month of February, 2019 and the responsibility was given to Dr. Suvarna Nilakh.

  1. To decide about special training programme for judicial examination

It was decided to organize a special training programme for students preparing for JMFC exams. Mr. Dynaneshwar Kendre informed the members about the proposal sent to the University seeking financial assistance for conducting the programme.

  1. Felicitation of newly appointed/elected Board of Studies Members

Principal informed all the attendees about selection of Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray and nomination of Dr. Deepa Paturkar, and Mr. Shrikant Malegaonkar as members of Board of Studies, SPPU. The BOS members were felicitated.

  1. To review parents’ feedback on admission process & curriculum :

The analysis of parents’ feedback on admission process and curriculum was presented before the members. It was found satisfactory. It was resolved to take feedback of students for the academic year 2018-19 by an online mode.

  1. Any other business to be transacted

As no other business was transacted, the meeting concluded with the vote of thanks.


Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 



Date: 24/11/2018

Venue: Conference Hall

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

  1. To discuss the feedback taken from the students.

The students’ feedback for the academic year 2017-18 was put forth and discussed in the meeting. It was resolved that the current beneficial practices to be continued like autonomous courses.

  1. To discuss alumni engagement in the college.

The Principal gave information about various methods through which the college seeks alumni participation in the college i.e. through donations directly to the society, donations for students participating in competitions, donations in the form of sponsorships for certain events, involvement of alumni as visiting/guest/honorary faculty, alumni participating in college activities by judging competitions in the Colleges, by admitting College interns under them, active participation of alumni in legal aid activity and placement cell, etc. Principal expressed satisfaction over the way alumni has constantly helped the functioning of the college in various ways. Principal also urged the alumni to work more passionately to develop this association.

  1. To discuss planning of alumni meet to be held on 25-12-2018.

It was resolved that this year, the alumni meet would be specially organized for passing out batch of 1992-93 to celebrate Silver Jubilee of their graduation. Along with them, alumni who had done remarkable work in the field of fine arts be identified and felicitated for their achievement.

  1. To inform about progress of College in NAAC Accreditation.

Principal informed the Alumni about the steps taken by the college so far towards obtaining NAAC Accreditation, and oriented about the role of alumni in the NAAC accreditation. The process of SSR preparation and the intention to submit IIQA by end of December was intimated.

  1. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.

As there was no other business to be transacted, the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.



Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 



Date: 19/1/2019

Venue: Conference Hall

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:


  1. To discuss the measures to be taken for submission of SSR before due date.

Principal informed the members about submission of IIQA to NAAC and its approval by NAAC. She informed the members about deadline of submission of SSR within 45 days of approval of IIQA i.e. before 23rd February, 2019. Accordingly, it was resolved to give priority to completion of SSR updation before the deadline. All the non teaching staff was asked to provide necessary assistance for the said work.

  1. To take an overview of National Sports Fest

Dr. Santosh Jaybhay gave a review of First National Sports Fest –Kreedangan organized in the college during the month of December, 2018. All the members expressed satisfaction as the programme was conducted in a well planned manner and went on smoothly.

  1. To discuss support services to be introduced in the library

Librarian Mr. Madhukar Togam put forth the proposal of introducing certain facilities in the college:

  1. User Tracking System for Students and Staff: Instead of entry register kept in hard copy, Librarian suggested introduction of user tracking through barcode system. It was resolved to accept the said proposal of installing barcode system of user tracking.
  2. Newspaper Clippings and List of New Arrivals sent to teachers: Librarian informed the members about newspaper clipping and list of New Arrivals service made available to teachers through email. Members expressed satisfaction over the said service. But, a suggestion was given to make the said service available to the students as well. Accordingly, it was resolved that newspaper clipping and List of New Arrivals service initiated be continued and be provided to students as well.
  3. Introduction of literature search service: Librarian suggested initiation of literature search service in the library. The nature of service was explained to the members. The proposal was found to be useful and directions were given to the librarian to see the feasibility of this service.
  4. Any other business with the permission of chair

Mr. Dynaneshwar Kendre discussed about circular of the University for conduct of Convocation Ceremony of graduate students in the college. Accordingly, it was decided to conduct Convocation Ceremony on 3rd February, 2019. Mr. Kendre was asked to prepare a detailed schedule to be discussed in faculty meeting.

            No other business was transacted and the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks.



Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 




Date: 06/05/2019

Venue: IQAC Office

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The list of members present is attached. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

A meeting of the Office Staff and IQAC was held on 06-05-2019 at 2.00 p.m. in the Conference Hall, Saraswati Building, ILS Law College, Pune.

Principal elaborated the purpose of the meeting. She briefly informed the office about the institution viz. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) which assesses and accredits the higher educational institutions under the guidelines of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.

Following agenda was discussed:

  1. To discuss NAAC orientation.

Principal Joshi briefly informed about our contribution to 7 different parameters set by NAAC for accreditation of the higher education institutions viz. (1) Curricular Aspects; (2) Teaching-Learning and Evaluation; (3) Research, Consultancy and Extension; (4) Infrastructure and Learning Resources; (5) Student Support and Progression; (6) Governance, Leadership and Management and (7) Innovations and Best Practices.

She further informed about the submission of Self Study Repot and the Extended Profile to NAAC, and about the NAAC visit to ILS Law College on 21-22 July 2019.  She briefed the schedule of the two-day visit which includes NAAC meetings with the Principal, heads of various departments, library, college office, various sister institutions, alumni, management of the College, students and parents, college premises, etc., and a cultural program by the students. The two day visit will end with an exit meeting with teaching, non-teaching faculty and management.

She gave various instructions about documentation, filing, during the visit, etc. to the office with reference to the above visit.

  1. To discuss maintenance of college premises.

IQAC members reviewed the overall maintenance of the office premises and gave some guidelines for the additional safety.

  1. To consider filing for digitization.

Principal Joshi further discussed about the importance of filing of important documents and its digitization. She further stated that various important documents are being filed and digitization work will be undertaken soon.

  1. To consider new appointments – Pooja Komulwar, Shweta Puranik

Principal Joshi informed the office about appointment of Priyanka Kusmude as Assistant Registrar-Accounts, Indian Law Society. Members congratulated her. She further informed that two more appointments (Pooja Komulwar and Shweta Puranik as accounts clerk) are done in the accounts department. The appointed candidates will join their duties from 1st June 2019.

  1. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.

Principal asked the members if they have any queries regarding the NAAC visit and preparations for it. Mrs. Rutuja Sawant raised some queries regarding Right to Information documents, examination papers, etc. Accounts personnel intimated about problems faced during filing of GST returns due to late submission of accounts. Some more issues were discussed and the meeting ended with a vote of thanks.


Principal Vaijayanti Joshi 

Action Taken Report

Sr. No. Suggestions Action Taken


Completion of Second Cycle of Reaccreditation by NAAC

Completed –
· Submission of IIQA on 28 December 2018

· Self-Study Report on 20 February 2019

· Data Validation and Verification on 13 March 2019

Pending –

· Peer Team Visit – Scheduled on 21-22 July 2019.


To conduct orientation and training program for teaching and non-teaching staff about admission process

Dr. Nitish Nawsagaray conducted orientation and training programs for teaching and non-teaching staff about admission process to First year of Five- and Three-year law programs.


Appointment of additional teaching staff for law and social sciences

18 additional Full-time teachers are appointed in 2018-19 for law and social sciences.


Purchase additional computers for newly appointed staff

Additional Computers are purchased for newly appointed staff.


Upgradation of website for moving towards paperless office

Website is upgraded


To Creation of separate website for library

Separate website created for Library.


Creation of common platform for teaching and non-teaching staff for communication of internal notices

Internal Notices are circulated through email and WhatsApp group


Training programmes for staff

a. Teaching & Non-teaching: Admission process
b. Accounts Staff: Whenever TDS Saral software is renewed

c. Library staff: Whenever SLIM 21 Software is updated

d. For operation of photocopy machine to the office staff


Allotment of Mentors for redressal of student’s grievances

Mentors are allotted for each class of LL.B, BA.LLB and LL.M.


Introduction of New certificate and diploma programs

Three New Courses and Programs were offered:-
· Certificate Course on Fundamentals of Research Methodology with Dr. Sanjay Jain as the coordinator

· Course on ‘Women, Gender and Law’ by Women Studies Centre in association with Department of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia with Dr. Jaya Sagade as the coordinator.

· 48 Hours Mediation Training Program with Ms Sathya Narayan as the coordinator


Continuation of existing certificate and diploma programs

Following certificate and diploma programs were continued: –
1. Diploma in Taxation laws

2. Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare

3. Diploma in Corporate Law I

4. Diploma in Corporate Law II

5. Diploma in Human Rights and Law

6. PG Diploma in ADR methods (Distance Learning Mode)

7. International diploma in Mental Health Law, Human Rights and Law

8. Advanced Certificate Program on Civil Court, Practice and Procedure

9. Certificate Course in Intellectual Property Laws.

10. Certificate Program on Criminal Law: Practice and Procedure

11. Certificate Course in Legislative Drafting

12. Vidhishilpakar: Certificate Program on What, How and Why of Learning Law


Purchase of Smart Podiums and High-Resolution Projector for Hall No. 5

Purchased three Smart Podiums and one High-Resolution Projector for Hall No. 5


Initiation of New Cells

Following Cells are introduced: –
· Cyber Law Cell

· Social Sciences Cell


Initiation of National Sports Fest

National Sports Fest “Kreedangan” was organised during 21-24 December 2018


Introduction of English Diagnostic Test

English Level Placement Test and Intensive Course in General English was conducted during 10-24 April 2019


To conduct National Seminar on IPR

National Seminar on “Unveiling Ventures of IPR” was organised on 14 February 2019


Organization of special training programme for judicial examination

Ten-day orientation programme for judicial magistrate first class examination was organised during 2 – 15 February 2019


Introduction of new support services in the library

Following services are introduced in library –
a. User Tracking System for Students and Staff

b. Newspaper Clippings and List of New Arrivals sent to teachers

c. Introduction of literature search service


Principal Vaijayanti Joshi