Minutes of Meetings and Action Taken Report 19-20





Meeting I

Meeting of IQAC Members

Date:- 29 June 2019

Time :- 11:00 AM

Venue :- IQAC Office

A meeting of the IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) was held on Saturday, 29th June 2019 at 11.00 a.m. in the IQAC Office, Library First Floor. Principal Joshi welcomed everyone and introduced the new members of IQAC.

Following agenda was discussed:

  • NAAC Peer Team Visit scheduled on 21st and 22nd July 2019

Principal Joshi informed the members that the NAAC Peer Team visit to ILS Law College had been scheduled for 21-22 July 2019 (Sunday and Monday), and discussed the preparatory measures for the same, along with the detailed program for the two day visit. She further informed that the details of the NAAC Committee will be communicated 3-4 days prior to the visit, and that the committee will have a meeting with the IQAC members.

  • Preparation for the NAAC Peer Team Visit

The purpose of this meeting, strategies to be evolved by IQAC and its functions were discussed elaborately. The key indicator 6.5 which reflected various activities recommended or suggested by the IQAC and implemented by the College were a significant focus of the discussion. These activities included, refresher courses/ training programs for teachers, seminars, workshops, competitions, memorial events, activities of various cells and centres of the College, introduction of new courses, feedback from students, parents, stakeholders, recruiters, etc. and many more. Some suggestions were also made by the members such as the Lok Nyayalaya initiative.

Key indicator 6.5.5, which refers to incremental improvements undertaken by the College with respect to qualitative improvement in teaching-learning process, library enrichment, various curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, efforts towards justice education, publications like Abhivyakti, national/international collaborations, attendance policy, examination reforms, alumni interaction, qualitative improvement in administration, infrastructural improvements etc. were also explained and discussed, including notable milestones like Post Graduate Dept, Marathi Vishwakosh, etc. Various activities undertaken for improvement in administration, like online admission process, accessibility to the College website by visually challenged people, management information system were also discussed.

Meeting concluded with thanks to the Chair.

Meeting II

Meeting of IQAC Members with Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

Date:- 16 July 2019

Time :- 11:00 AM

Venue :- Conference Hall

Preparation and Review for a NAAC Peer Team Visit

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. Principal Vaijayanti Joshi briefed the members about preparation of NAAC Peer Team Visit. She gave instructions and allotted responsibilities to the faculty members for the Peer Team Visit scheduled on 21-22 July 2019. Mr Madhukar Togam gave overview of library to the members. Review of each department was taken.

Meeting III

Meeting of IQAC Members with Teaching Staff

Date:- 29 July 2019

Time :- 2:00 PM

Venue :- Conference Hall

IQAC Coordinator welcomed and briefed the committee members about the agenda. The Agenda of the meeting was discussed as under:

Review of Academic Calendar and Allocation of Departments

Dr. Tejaswini Malegaonkar presented the academic calendar prepared in the faculty meeting and it was approved. Dr Malegaonkar also briefed the members about the allocation of various College Departments to faculty members.

Introduction of new teaching staff

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi introduced the newly recruited teaching staff to the members and oriented them about the college, its vision, mission, core values, activities and goals. .

Allotment of Mentors

Mr. Ashish Pawar presented a report of mentor-mentee system. Members found it satisfactory. He also briefed the members about allotment of mentors for the current academic year.

Approval of course contents /syllabus of new/ existing certificate and diploma programs

It was approved to continue offering following add-on/ value added courses with their updated course contents: –

Diploma in Corporate Law

Diploma in Human Rights and Law

Certificate Course in Intellectual Property Rights Laws

Course on “Women, Gender and Law”

Diploma in Housing Laws

PG Diploma in ADR methods (Distance Learning Mode)

Along with the above courses it was decided to introduce following add-on/ value added courses:-

Diploma in Securities and Capital Markets.

Diploma in Competition Law & Policy

Advanced Certificate Program on Civil Court, Practice and Procedure: With special focus on Arbitration and Conciliation Act.

Vidhishilpakar: Certificate Program on What, How and Why of Learning Law

Review of action plan and action taken report of IQAC for the academic year 2018-19.

Dr. Suvarna Nilakh briefed the members and attendees about the action plan of IQAC and its implementation for academic year 2018- 19. It was found satisfactory.

Theme for 14th Remembering S P Sathe

Dr Sanjay Jain proposed to hold Remembering S P Sathe event on Contemporary Issues in Public Law. It was accepted unanimously.

Meeting IV

Meeting with Students of I B.A.LL.B and Parents

Date:- 30 September 2019

Venue: Hall No. 5, Principal Pandit Auditorium

IQAC Coordinator welcomed the committee members, students and parents and briefed them about the agenda. Following agenda was discussed at the meeting:

  • Academic activities and future plan of action of the college

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi presented the vision, mission, strategic plan of the institution and goal of becoming University was also expressed. She then gave a brief overview of all the activities of the college along with autonomous courses and competitions. Various facilities like hostel, gymkhana, mess, swimming pool, playgrounds, canteen, library, e-databases, and ICT, Wi-Fi facilities were also discussed.

  • Time table of the courses

The time table for all the divisions and classrooms allotted were informed to the students. 80-20 pattern introduced by the Savitribai Phule Pune University was also explained to the students.

  • Rules and regulations of the attendance and discipline including anti-ragging policy of the college

The rules & regulations of the college regarding attendance policy, dress code, code of conduct on campus & off campus, use of mobile etc. were explained by the Principal to the students. The students and parents were specially informed about the strict 75% attendance policy of the college. Principal explained in detail the zero tolerance of ragging and also explained to the students the provisions of the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999. She informed students about the anti-ragging committee established at the institution and asked students to approach the members of the committee or any faculty member whenever they want. Principal also informed the students about the existence of Internal Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the college to redress grievances related to sexual harassment.

  • Allotment of mentors

Principal explained to the students and parents the mentor-mentee system initiated by the college and also introduced the mentors appointed for all classes of B.A.LL.B. The students were further informed about the availability of counselling facilities at ILS Law College in association with Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy.

Meeting V

Meeting with Students of I LL.B. and Parents

Date:- 18 October 2019

Venue: Hall No. 5, Principal Pandit Auditorium

IQAC Coordinator welcomed the committee members, students and parents and briefed them about the agenda. Following agenda was discussed at the meeting:

  • Academic activities and future plan of action of the college

Principal Vaijayanti Joshi presented the vision, mission, strategic plan of the institution and goal of becoming University was also expressed. She then gave a brief overview of all the activities of the college along with autonomous courses and competitions. Students were oriented about various facilities of College like hostel, gymkhana, mess, swimming pool, playgrounds, canteen, library, e-databases, ICT and Wi-Fi etc.

  • Time table of the courses

The time table for all the divisions and classrooms allotted were informed to the students. 80-20 pattern introduced by the Savitribai Phule Pune University was also explained to the students.

  • Rules and regulations of the attendance, discipline, anti-ragging and prevention of sexual harassment policy of the college

The rules & regulations of the college regarding attendance policy, dress code, code of conduct on campus & off campus, use of mobile etc. were explained by the Principal to the students. The students and parents were specially informed about the strict 75% attendance policy of the college. Principal explained in detail the zero tolerance of ragging and also explained to the students the provisions of the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999. She informed students about the anti-ragging committee established at the institution and asked students to approach the members of the committee or any faculty member whenever they want. Principal also informed the students about the existence of Internal Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the college to redress grievances related to sexual harassment.

  • Allotment of mentors

Principal explained to the students and parents the mentor-mentee system initiated by the college and also introduced the mentors appointed for all classes of B.A.LL.B. The students and parents were further informed about the availability of counselling facilities at ILS Law College in association with Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy.

Meeting VI

Meeting of IQAC Members with Teaching Staff

Date:- 18 May 2020

Time :- 2:30 PM

Venue :- Online via Google Meet

On the backdrop of Covid19 Pandemic, meeting of fulltime teaching staff was held on 18th May 2020 via Google Meet at 2:30 pm. All the fulltime teachers were invited for this meeting. On the backdrop of Covid19 Pandemic, the Government of Maharashtra and the Savitribai Phule Pune University had issued few directions and guidelines for the conduct of examinations. In light of the same, the following issues were resolved in the meeting: –

  • Conduct of Online Lectures

It was resolved that Online Lectures for 1st year B.A LL.B. shall be conducted till 31st May 2020. Lectures for 1st LL.B. will be conducted till 10th June 2020. 1st year LL.B. teachers shall complete 60% of the syllabus till 31st May 2020. For rest other courses the lecture will be conducted till 31st of (May) but the teacher will have the discretion to close the online teaching of the syllabus is substantially completed.

  • Syllabus for Internal Examination and Question Pattern

For all the internal examinations of B.A. LL.B. and LL.B. programs, the syllabus should be declared by the teacher who is at present teaching the subject as per the present time-table. The syllabus should be 60% of the existing syllabus. The candidates shall be evaluated for 20 marks for internal examination. The pattern of exam shall be one long questions for 10 marks and two short notes for 5 marks each. The teachers who are teaching the paper online, post Covid19 Lockdown, will conduct the internal examination and evaluate the same. The modules are to be communicated to the Principal.

  • Practical Training Papers

For the Practical Training Paper IV – Moot Court Exercise and Internship paper (III LL. B) and Practical Training Paper-I Moot Courts, Pre-Trial Preparations and Participation in Trial Proceedings (V BA. LL.B.), it was resolved to conduct the online lectures on Pre-Trial Preparation and Trial Observation. Demo sessions to be conducted for the first-hand exposure for civil and criminal trial. After students report the college post lockdown, they shall submit the handwritten journal for final evaluation. As the case follow-up of the civil and criminal cases in the court is not complete because of sudden lockdown, the students shall write the report till the stage they have observed in the courtroom before the lockdown.

For the Practical Training Paper II – Alternative Dispute Resolution System paper, all the student shall submit 5 drafts of arbitration in online manner to the course teacher. As the visit to State Legal Services Authority / District Legal Services Authority is not possible now the teacher shall organise interaction session of an expert in ADR with students in an online manner as notified in the University syllabus.

It was informed by Dr Santosh Jaybhay that the Diploma of Labour Laws and Labour Welfare (DLL & LW) Practical training journals are submitted to the college, the evaluation shall be done and the result shall be kept ready for submission to the University.

  • LL.M. Program

For the final semester of the LL.M program, 200 marks dissertation is prescribed as per the syllabus. Out of which, 150 marks are assigned for the Thesis and 50 marks are assigned for viva-voce. As it is not clear whether if viva-voce will be conducted by the University, it was resolved that students shall be asked to submit the dissertation thesis online to the concerned supervisors. Teachers shall keep the assessment ready for 150 marks. If the Viva- Voce is cancelled by the university the 50 marks for Viva-Voce shall be awarded to the candidate in proposition to the marks scored by the candidate out of 150 marks. The LL.M. Department should decide the last date of online submission of the Thesis. The bound copy of the thesis can be collected from the candidate after the lockdown. The written test of the candidates shall be conducted after the lockdown as per the University time-table.

  • Evaluation of 1st Semester B.A.LL.B. and LL.B. Program

The evaluation and result of the first year of the B.A LL.B. and LL.B. program are to be declared by the College. 80% of CAP of the 1st B.A LL.B. and LL.B. program is completed before the Lockdown. Because of the Lockdown, the CAP could not be completed and the results could not be declared within a stipulated time. As the students have to fill-up the university examination forms from 19th to 29th May 2020 for the next semester, it is necessary to declare the result before the candidates fill up the examination forms. In light of the above circumstances, it was directed by Ms Vaijayanti Joshi that Mr D. P. Kendre, College Examination Officer, should visit the college on 19th May 2020 and review the incomplete work. The unassessed papers shall be handed over to teachers for assessment at home. The results of the 1st semester shall be declared within 4 days.

It was decided that a detailed notice as regards the conduct of internal examination, the portion for the same and Practical Training papers shall be put up on the College website. The last date of conduct of online lectures should be notified to students. Students should be directed to attend lectures.

Plan of Action Action Taken

Organization of Seminars on Public Law

Organized 2 Seminars and two International Conferences
on Contemporary issues of Public Law

Celebration of Landmark cases

Conducted three webinars in celebration of three supreme
court judgements completing 70 years

Organization of Environment consciousness activities

Organized a seminar on environmental law
and Students and faculty participated in protest against High-Capacity
Mass Transit Route planned to be constructed over ILS Hill

Organization of training program for faculty and students

Organized training program on gender sensitization and mediation

Collaboration for student internship

IOnternship provided for students in collaboration
with Narmada Bachao Andolan in Madhya Pradesh, Muktipath in Gadchiroli
and  Tadamon in Egypt

Add-on courses

Add on courses provided in Human Rights, Corporate Laws,
Civil Procedure Code and Arbitration, Securities and Capital Markets,
Competition Law & Policy, and What, How and Why of Learning Law etc.

Switching to Online mode of teaching-learning

Adopted online mode of teaching-learning in the backdrop of
Covid 19 from April 2020. Orientation of staff and student was conducted for the same.