Minutes of Meetings and Action Taken Report 2023 – 24
Action Taken Report 2023-24
At ILS we believe that imparting legal education is not just an academic activity, but it is a noble cause. Every activity planned and implemented at the ILS is done to fulfill its mission statement. The institution strives to impart professionally desired and socially relevant legal education. A well-planned curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, effective methods of teaching-learning, faculty development, adequate infrastructure, updated library resources, efficient and advance ICT facilities, resourceful and competent administrative support etc. are the major facets helping in the overall development of the institution, and in catering to the needs of the students.
Institutional practice of collecting systematic feedback from the stakeholders, on these facets of legal education, is an effective tool to continuously upgrade and update the practices of the institution, resulting in the overall development of the institution and its students.
Feedback system helps in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the institutional practices. It ensures transparency in working. The well-implemented feedback system opens a neutral forum for the stakeholders to share their concerns, suggestions, and responses.
A robust and continuous mechanism of collecting feedback from students, teachers, alumni, and employers has been in practice. The feedback is collected at different intervals, on different issues from different stakeholders. Students as end-users of the institutional services are given an opportunity to share and reflect their concerns on the issues of curriculum, teaching-learning, and other related activities and facilities provided. Feedback from parents develops a platform for active interaction and enables institutions to know the views of the parents on the efforts taken up by the institution in developing their wards. Feedback from employers and alumni help institutions know the practical demands of the legal profession enabling the teachers to train the students to become better professionals of tomorrow. Feedback from faculty help institutions understand the problems and hurdles faced in the process of teaching-learning.
The feedback from stakeholders is collected, analyzed, suggestions are worked on to draw potential pointers to act on to help in ensuring quality improvement. Feedback and its analysis along with an action taken report is published on the website of the college. The planning and implementation, of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, is done keeping in mind the feedback and the insights shared.
We also receive formal feedback from the employers and stakeholders providing internship and employment in the form of letters of appreciation. IQAC takes note of feedback and provides suggestions and recommendations to bring in desired changes.
Action taken report is prepared annually to show how at the institutional level suggestions were adopted and implemented.