Dr. Sita Bhatia
M.A., Ph.D.,LL.M.
M.A. and Ph.D. from the Pune University in Political Science. LL.B. from the ILS Law College, LL.M. (Human Rights) from Bombay University. Joined the teaching faculty in 1984. Areas of Interest are Political Science, Human Rights and law and International Relations, Constitutional Law and Media Laws. Books titled ‘Freedom of the Press’, 1997 as author, and ‘Dimensions of Law’ as editor. Booklet on International Law and Human Rights, the Panchayat System in Maharashtra (Marathi) and Human Rights and Fundamental Rights and Duties under the Indian Constitution (Marathi). Halsbury’s Laws of India V.24: Media, Technology and Communications, Lexis Nexis. Completed courses in Human Rights & Teaching from the International Institute of Human Rights , Strasbourg, Completed two certificates courses on ‘ Human Right to Food and Nutrition’ and restorative justices from the CEU, Budapest. Member of the Amnesty International, People’s Union of Civil Liberties. Coordinator and In-Charge of Diploma on Human Rights and Law run by Indian Law Society. Working for the Legal Aid Centre of the College.