Cultural Department

Cultural Department of ILS Law College strives for developing an overall the personality its students by providing various extra curricular activities Along with academic excellence, the cultural department provides a platform to nurture hidden talents of the students.
The Drama Team boasts of the most prestigious achievements. The team of ILS has won Purushottam Karandaks,a prestigious one act play competition for couple of years. It also participates in the Firodiya Karandak Vividha Gundarshan Spardha, which provides a chance to display one’s skills in performing as well as not performing arts.
Apart from these two prestigious competitions, the cultural club takes part throughout the year in various different competitions namely:

  • Symbiosis Karandak formerly known as SUMAN KARANDAK
  • Dajikaka Gadgil Karandak
  • Sarpotdaar Karandak
  • CY-FI karandak
  • Vodafone Rangasangit Krandak
  • Pune natyavaachan
  • D.Y.Patil Karandak
  • IAPAR international drama festival

One can validate the dedication, work and quality of this group by taking examples of people who have carved a niche for themselves. ILS Law college has a galaxy of renouned actors, actresses, Classical Vocalists, Dr. Prabha Atre, Mr. Pravin Tarde, Mr. Sagar Deshmukh, Mr. Devendra Saralkar, Abhijeet Dhrere, Ms Swanandi Tikekar are to name a few.
Dance is said to be one of the most beautiful forms of performing art to express and emote and if one asks “is there anyone who can do this too in ILS”, well then look no further, Aadhya is the answer.
Possessing both Western and Classical styles in the group, the dancers are able to blend them beautifully and take part in competitions with enriching results.
Music is something without which life is void. Music, knowingly or unknowingly, becomes an irreplaceable part of our living; after a period of time, it becomes a part of our existence. Vidhi is the college band and surely has some real talent in them.
It is an intra-collegiate drama competition which gives large scale opportunities to the hidden talent of the law students and helps to boost the confidence in them for legal and social aspects of their lives.
Legal Ease
Legal ease is the annual cultural fest of college.
Faculty Co-ordinators:

  1. Mr. D.P. Kendre, Assistant Professor
  2. Ms. Pronema Bagchi, Assistant Professor
  3. Ms. Madhura Apate , Assistant Professor
  • Drama Club Student Co-ordinator: Shubham Gade, Nrupal Dingankar
  • Aadhya Student Co-ordinator: Sonal Jain
  • Vidhi Student Co-odinator: Asmit Agarwaal
  • Aahwaan student co-ordinator: Rishabh Chandak

Cultural Activities Report:

  1. Cultural Activities 2017-18
  2. Cultural Activities 2016-17
  3. Cultural Activities 2015-16
  4. Cultural Activities 2014-15
  5. Cultural Activities 2013-14