Working Hours : 9.00 Am To 9.00 Pm. | Circulation Hours : 9.30 Am To 4.00 Pm. | Reading Room Hours : 9.30 Am To 9.00 Pm.

Library Rules

Principal Gharpure Library provides remote login facility to all Undergraduate (LL.B. & BA.LL.B.) and Postgraduate students (LLM), Students of Diploma in Taxation Law and Labour Law Program (DTL and DLL&LW), Doctoral Research Students and the Faculty Members to access digital resources online subject to following conditions:-

  • Users can access online journals and e-databases as per ILS Law College e-resource access policy and remote access policy.
  • The information retrieved from these online journals and e-databases through remote/campus access facility will be used only for their educational and research purpose and not for any commercial gains.
  • If a user is found violating the above-mentioned conditions, he/she will be liable to face strict disciplinary action as decided by the management of the ILS Law College Pune.

Prerequisites for using this facility are:-

  1. User should be the current student or Faculty of the ILS Law College.
  2. He/She must have Official email address provided by ILS Law College.

If the users face any problem in accessing this facility, they should contact the library staff in person OR mail at [email protected]

User Guide – Procedure for configuration of MyLOFT