
Notice Board


Webinar on Identifying Abusive Relations and Domestic Violence

The violence against women and girls often assumes a sexual nature. Men and boys are also subjected to violence, but women and girls are disproportionately targeted with rape, threats of rape, sexual abuse, ill treatment in the domestic relationships and other forms of violence.

In order to have an insight in the issues arising out of abusive relations at domestic level, violence faced in the domestic relations,  a webinar on ‘Identifying Abusive Relations and Domestic Violence’ is organised by the Women’s Study Centre of ILS Law College on Monday, 31th Jan 2022 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm in exclusively Online Mode via Google Meet.

The speakers for the seminar are-

  • Aruna Burte – Causes of Domestic Violence
  • Preeti Karmarkar – Abusive Relations and Violence
  • Ms Padma Deosthali – Health Aspects of Domestic Violence
  • Ms Manisha Tulpule, Advocate – Legal Dimensions of Domestic violence


Google Meet Link details for joining the webinar-

Monday, January 31 · 2:00 – 4:00pm

Google Meet link:

All are requested to join at 1.55 pm.

Click Here for the webinar poster.


Dr. Sanjay Jain                                                                                 Dr. Deepa Paturkar

Principal                                                                                             Vice Principal




Webinar on Identifying Abusive Relations and Domestic Violence

The violence against women and girls often assumes a sexual nature. Men and boys are also subjected to violence, but women and girls are disproportionately targeted with rape, threats of rape, sexual abuse, ill treatment in the domestic relationships and other forms of violence.

In order to have an insight in the issues arising out of abusive relations at domestic level, violence faced in the domestic relations,  a webinar on ‘Identifying Abusive Relations and Domestic Violence’ is organised by the Women’s Study Centre of ILS Law College on Monday, 31th Jan 2022 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm in exclusively Online Mode via Google Meet.

The speakers for the seminar are-

  • Aruna Burte – Causes of Domestic Violence
  • Preeti Karmarkar – Abusive Relations and Violence
  • Ms Padma Deosthali – Health Aspects of Domestic Violence
  • Ms Manisha Tulpule, Advocate – Legal Dimensions of Domestic violence


Google Meet Link details for joining the webinar-

Monday, January 31 · 2:00 – 4:00pm

Google Meet link:

All are requested to join at 1.55 pm.

Click Here for the webinar poster.


Dr. Sanjay Jain                                                                                 Dr. Deepa Paturkar

Principal                                                                                             Vice Principal





Notice Board