
Notice Board


ILS Appellate Moot Court Competition, 2025

A Moot court by the Advocates for the future Advocates!

ILS Law College announces the first of its kind Intra-Collegiate Appellate Moot Court Competition.

Unique and Distinct features of the Competition

  1. To argue on Moot Problem along with Paper Book (excluding Memorandum of Appeal) i.e. Plaint, Written Statement, Evidence (Oral and Documentary) and Judgment.
  2. Arguments to be presented practically based on analysis of the Paper Book.
  3. Memorandum of Appeal to be drafted as per the provisions of Civil Procedure Code, thereby giving the participants an opportunity to hone the skills of arguing appeal cases even before joining the practice.

The takeaways for the participants

After participating in the Appellate Moot Court Competition the participants will be able to

  1. Research and Study for a case like real court cases.
  2. Put the theoretical understanding of legislative provisions and law to the practical cases with clarity.
  3. Participants will get a simulated experience of a real appellate court case.
  4. Comprehend the technicalities while drafting the memorandum of appeal and arguing the substance of the case.
  5. Appreciate the documentary as well as oral evidence presented by the parties.
  6. Extract the admissions from the evidence/ testimonies presented at the trial stage of the case as provided in the Paper Book; and use it before the Appellate Court while rebutting or supporting the findings of the trial court.

Prizes for Winners:

  1. Winner – Rs. 5001/-
  2. Runner-up- Rs. 3001/-
  3. Best Memorandum of Appeal – Rs. 2001/-
  4. Best Speaker (Semi-finals)* – Rs. 1500/-
  5. Best Speaker (Preliminary Round) – Rs. 1001/-

Important Dates:

  1. Orientation for participants: 23/12/2024 [At 10:00 AM – Hall No. 19]
  2. Registration opens: 23/12/2024 [At 05:00 PM] – till a cap of 24 teams is filled.
  3. Registration closes: 25/12/2024 [At 11:59 PM]
  4. Last date of withdrawal: 25/12/2024 [At 11:59 PM]
  5. Requests for Clarification : 25/12/2024 to 26/12/2024  [till 11:59 PM]
  6. Issue of Clarification: 28/12/2024
  7. Submission of Memorandum of Appeal: 06/01/2025 – 02:00 to 04:00 PM [On Ground Floor, ILS Library]
  8. Preliminary Round: 11/01/2025
  9. Semi-Final and Final Round: 12/01/2025

For registration, CLICK HERE

For accessing Rule Book of the Competition and Paper Book CLICK HERE

For details Contact:

Mr. Aharon Pardhe: +91 9420306620

Ms. Tanisha Kedari: +91 9146682093

Link for Registration

Link for Withdrawal

Link for seeking clarifications

Link for Rule Book and Paper Book

Email: [email protected]

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Rajalaxmi Joshi, Dr. Swatee Yogessh

Convenors: Mr. Vijay Limaye, Advocate, Mr. Aditya Kanetkar, Advocate

Student Convenor: Mr. Aharon Pardhe

ILS Appellate Moot Court Competition, 2025

A Moot court by the Advocates for the future Advocates!

ILS Law College announces the first of its kind Intra-Collegiate Appellate Moot Court Competition.

Unique and Distinct features of the Competition

  1. To argue on Moot Problem along with Paper Book (excluding Memorandum of Appeal) i.e. Plaint, Written Statement, Evidence (Oral and Documentary) and Judgment.
  2. Arguments to be presented practically based on analysis of the Paper Book.
  3. Memorandum of Appeal to be drafted as per the provisions of Civil Procedure Code, thereby giving the participants an opportunity to hone the skills of arguing appeal cases even before joining the practice.

The takeaways for the participants

After participating in the Appellate Moot Court Competition the participants will be able to

  1. Research and Study for a case like real court cases.
  2. Put the theoretical understanding of legislative provisions and law to the practical cases with clarity.
  3. Participants will get a simulated experience of a real appellate court case.
  4. Comprehend the technicalities while drafting the memorandum of appeal and arguing the substance of the case.
  5. Appreciate the documentary as well as oral evidence presented by the parties.
  6. Extract the admissions from the evidence/ testimonies presented at the trial stage of the case as provided in the Paper Book; and use it before the Appellate Court while rebutting or supporting the findings of the trial court.

Prizes for Winners:

  1. Winner – Rs. 5001/-
  2. Runner-up- Rs. 3001/-
  3. Best Memorandum of Appeal – Rs. 2001/-
  4. Best Speaker (Semi-finals)* – Rs. 1500/-
  5. Best Speaker (Preliminary Round) – Rs. 1001/-

Important Dates:

  1. Orientation for participants: 23/12/2024 [At 10:00 AM – Hall No. 19]
  2. Registration opens: 23/12/2024 [At 05:00 PM] – till a cap of 24 teams is filled.
  3. Registration closes: 25/12/2024 [At 11:59 PM]
  4. Last date of withdrawal: 25/12/2024 [At 11:59 PM]
  5. Requests for Clarification : 25/12/2024 to 26/12/2024  [till 11:59 PM]
  6. Issue of Clarification: 28/12/2024
  7. Submission of Memorandum of Appeal: 06/01/2025 – 02:00 to 04:00 PM [On Ground Floor, ILS Library]
  8. Preliminary Round: 11/01/2025
  9. Semi-Final and Final Round: 12/01/2025

For registration, CLICK HERE

For accessing Rule Book of the Competition and Paper Book CLICK HERE

For details Contact:

Mr. Aharon Pardhe: +91 9420306620

Ms. Tanisha Kedari: +91 9146682093

Link for Registration

Link for Withdrawal

Link for seeking clarifications

Link for Rule Book and Paper Book

Email: [email protected]

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Rajalaxmi Joshi, Dr. Swatee Yogessh

Convenors: Mr. Vijay Limaye, Advocate, Mr. Aditya Kanetkar, Advocate

Student Convenor: Mr. Aharon Pardhe


Notice Board