
Notice Board


One Day National Conference On "Changing Dimensions in Media Law In India"




Date: 10th Feb 2018


Media law is considered to be amongest the upcoming fields of law. This one day Conference aims to provide a brilliant platform for reflecting upon some of the essential concepts of this niche yet unique subject.  There will be discussion on following topics during Conference:-


Click Here for Schedule.


Censorship, Media and Public Policy :

 Censorship has no space in a mature democracy. Where is the freedom provided under Article 19(1)? Why does censorship become all about meaningless cuts? Recent controversies over ‘Padmaavat’ and ‘Lipstick under my Burkha’ takes us to discussing the interrelationship between the Indian Constitution and Cinema.                             

The session aims to address the ever longing debate as to whether Media Laws governing Censorship in India is a form of suppression of freedom of speech or is it necessary to maintain the standards of morality in the country. The legislative and administrative intention behind the censorship standards in India will be a topic of discussion. The session will also highlight the role of media in mobilising public opinion and how the media endorses the opinion of the public through movies, press and the unofficial trials of matters of national and public importance.

 Media and Sports :

Do we know everything about our favourite celebrity or sportsperson? Do we know it right? Can anyone publish content regardless of its truthfulness?

Can Sachin Tendulkar be seen drinking Bournvita which is a contemporary of Boost in public?

We watch live matches & repeat on multiple sports channels, do we know what we actually might be doing here is threatening the advertising and sales revenue of the broadcasters that have paid for exclusive rights to show live coverage.

In today’s digital landscape — where information is spread in a matter of seconds — public figures such as athletes, are need to be protected from unfair scrutiny. They have a right to maintain privacy even when living in the public eye. This session would give us a thorough understanding of protection of Athletes/ Sportsperson against misappropriation of their name or likeness without their express permission; stealing of their personal Information and data; sale of their private data; and defamation/ slander/ libel.

The sessions also aims at discussing the protection given by the Government to the Broadcasting Channels which forms the crux of cheap and quick data transmission to all segments of the society and holds enormous potential for increasing access and wide dissemination of works. The protection afforded to the rights of the broadcasting organizations will eventually determine the balance between the exclusivity in ownership of information and the accessibility of information. Very seldom people know that the programmes or matches that they view can also be infringed or forged technically and sold off into piracy marketing, thus the protection provided to the broadcaster who has been infringed under the Copyright Act will also be emphasised.


Digital Content Control and Movie Title Infringement :

 With the boom of Netflix and Amazon Prime like platforms, do we know how they manange their IP portfolio? When series like Crown are released as Netflix originals, where does the IP liability lie? With such platforms crossing continents, how will this expansion affect the creative rights?

What’s in a name? The question of W. Shakespeare’s would probably fade away into the background when it comes to the entertainment industry.

How do Bollywood artists negotiate their service agreements? Can the famous personalities protect their unique persona? Can Rajnikant and Amitabh Bachchan protect their unique styles and gestures? Is this now considered a fundamental right?

Do we know enough about the Sholay case? Can character names like ‘Gabbar’ or ‘Gabbar Singh’ be registered!?

Digital media has taken over the market worldwide and has overshadowed the use of traditional entertainment methods. Platforms such as Netflix, Amazon prime, Apple TV, Hulu etc have become the primary source of digital content viewing. This session aims to answer the questions dealing with Digital Content control and Intellectual property of the data available online.

The session also emphasises on Publicity and Performers rights of various artists with specific reference to Bollywood Contracts giving an insight as to the various clauses like royalty, special rights, copyright control etc. Various other aspects of interface between Media Laws and protection of Intellectual property will also find an important mention during the session, for example, film title infringement.


List of Speakers :

  1. Mr. Sudhir Makkar, Senior Advocate, Delhi High Court, New Delhi
  2. Mr. Sanjeeth Hegde, Senior Partner and Chief Strategy Officer, BananaIP, Banguluru
  3. Mr. Ravi Suryawanshi, Partner, Naik Naik & Company, Mumbai
  4. Dr. Nitih Nawsagaray, Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune
  5. Mr. Kaushik Moitra, Bharucha and Partners, New Delhi
  6. Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Legal Head, SLB Productions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
  7. Mr. Rohan Bhammar, Manager Legal, IMG Reliance Pvt. Ltd.


Who can attend?

  • Students from any discipline.
  • Professionals
  • Academicians

Date of the Conference: 10th February, 2018

Timings: 9 AM to 5:30 PM

Number of Seats: 200

Registration and Mode of Payment:  Online

Registration Fees

  • ILS Students – Rs. 200/- + 36/- (18% GST) = Rs.236/-
  • Non ILS Students – Rs. 500 + 90/- (18% GST) = Rs.590/-
  • Professionals – Rs. 1000/- + 180 (18% GST) = Rs.1180/-

(Note:  Registration Fee includes attendance for all sessions, reading material & tea. Certificate of Participation will be provided to Non ILS Students and Professionals).

Last Date of Registration: 8th February, 2018.

Our Sponsors:
1. Amie Legal, Pune
2. Supreme Court Cases

Contact details: 

(A) Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Suvarna Nilakh, Email I’d: [email protected]

(B) Student co-ordinators:

Oorjasvi Goswami (7769891034)                   Anamika Mazumdar (9326841951)

Lavanyaa Chopra (9540994211)                    Sakshi Shivhare (9405690405)

Aishwarya Ambardekar (9930183251)          Kritika Shekhawat (7757844503)


One Day National Conference On "Changing Dimensions in Media Law In India"




Date: 10th Feb 2018


Media law is considered to be amongest the upcoming fields of law. This one day Conference aims to provide a brilliant platform for reflecting upon some of the essential concepts of this niche yet unique subject.  There will be discussion on following topics during Conference:-


Click Here for Schedule.


Censorship, Media and Public Policy :

 Censorship has no space in a mature democracy. Where is the freedom provided under Article 19(1)? Why does censorship become all about meaningless cuts? Recent controversies over ‘Padmaavat’ and ‘Lipstick under my Burkha’ takes us to discussing the interrelationship between the Indian Constitution and Cinema.                             

The session aims to address the ever longing debate as to whether Media Laws governing Censorship in India is a form of suppression of freedom of speech or is it necessary to maintain the standards of morality in the country. The legislative and administrative intention behind the censorship standards in India will be a topic of discussion. The session will also highlight the role of media in mobilising public opinion and how the media endorses the opinion of the public through movies, press and the unofficial trials of matters of national and public importance.

 Media and Sports :

Do we know everything about our favourite celebrity or sportsperson? Do we know it right? Can anyone publish content regardless of its truthfulness?

Can Sachin Tendulkar be seen drinking Bournvita which is a contemporary of Boost in public?

We watch live matches & repeat on multiple sports channels, do we know what we actually might be doing here is threatening the advertising and sales revenue of the broadcasters that have paid for exclusive rights to show live coverage.

In today’s digital landscape — where information is spread in a matter of seconds — public figures such as athletes, are need to be protected from unfair scrutiny. They have a right to maintain privacy even when living in the public eye. This session would give us a thorough understanding of protection of Athletes/ Sportsperson against misappropriation of their name or likeness without their express permission; stealing of their personal Information and data; sale of their private data; and defamation/ slander/ libel.

The sessions also aims at discussing the protection given by the Government to the Broadcasting Channels which forms the crux of cheap and quick data transmission to all segments of the society and holds enormous potential for increasing access and wide dissemination of works. The protection afforded to the rights of the broadcasting organizations will eventually determine the balance between the exclusivity in ownership of information and the accessibility of information. Very seldom people know that the programmes or matches that they view can also be infringed or forged technically and sold off into piracy marketing, thus the protection provided to the broadcaster who has been infringed under the Copyright Act will also be emphasised.


Digital Content Control and Movie Title Infringement :

 With the boom of Netflix and Amazon Prime like platforms, do we know how they manange their IP portfolio? When series like Crown are released as Netflix originals, where does the IP liability lie? With such platforms crossing continents, how will this expansion affect the creative rights?

What’s in a name? The question of W. Shakespeare’s would probably fade away into the background when it comes to the entertainment industry.

How do Bollywood artists negotiate their service agreements? Can the famous personalities protect their unique persona? Can Rajnikant and Amitabh Bachchan protect their unique styles and gestures? Is this now considered a fundamental right?

Do we know enough about the Sholay case? Can character names like ‘Gabbar’ or ‘Gabbar Singh’ be registered!?

Digital media has taken over the market worldwide and has overshadowed the use of traditional entertainment methods. Platforms such as Netflix, Amazon prime, Apple TV, Hulu etc have become the primary source of digital content viewing. This session aims to answer the questions dealing with Digital Content control and Intellectual property of the data available online.

The session also emphasises on Publicity and Performers rights of various artists with specific reference to Bollywood Contracts giving an insight as to the various clauses like royalty, special rights, copyright control etc. Various other aspects of interface between Media Laws and protection of Intellectual property will also find an important mention during the session, for example, film title infringement.


List of Speakers :

  1. Mr. Sudhir Makkar, Senior Advocate, Delhi High Court, New Delhi
  2. Mr. Sanjeeth Hegde, Senior Partner and Chief Strategy Officer, BananaIP, Banguluru
  3. Mr. Ravi Suryawanshi, Partner, Naik Naik & Company, Mumbai
  4. Dr. Nitih Nawsagaray, Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune
  5. Mr. Kaushik Moitra, Bharucha and Partners, New Delhi
  6. Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Legal Head, SLB Productions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
  7. Mr. Rohan Bhammar, Manager Legal, IMG Reliance Pvt. Ltd.


Who can attend?

  • Students from any discipline.
  • Professionals
  • Academicians

Date of the Conference: 10th February, 2018

Timings: 9 AM to 5:30 PM

Number of Seats: 200

Registration and Mode of Payment:  Online

Registration Fees

  • ILS Students – Rs. 200/- + 36/- (18% GST) = Rs.236/-
  • Non ILS Students – Rs. 500 + 90/- (18% GST) = Rs.590/-
  • Professionals – Rs. 1000/- + 180 (18% GST) = Rs.1180/-

(Note:  Registration Fee includes attendance for all sessions, reading material & tea. Certificate of Participation will be provided to Non ILS Students and Professionals).

Last Date of Registration: 8th February, 2018.

Our Sponsors:
1. Amie Legal, Pune
2. Supreme Court Cases

Contact details: 

(A) Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Suvarna Nilakh, Email I’d: [email protected]

(B) Student co-ordinators:

Oorjasvi Goswami (7769891034)                   Anamika Mazumdar (9326841951)

Lavanyaa Chopra (9540994211)                    Sakshi Shivhare (9405690405)

Aishwarya Ambardekar (9930183251)          Kritika Shekhawat (7757844503)



Notice Board