Theme – India of Dreams and Reality
- Solo performance is not allowed. The group size should be between 3-5 participants.
- Maximum 1 entry per institute is allowed.
- The duration of dance should not exceed 5 minutes.
- A proper level of decency shall be maintained in terms of costumes and apparels.
- Participants are requested to get a copy of their sound track on a pen drive. As a backup, it is advisable to keep a copy on your phone and mail too.
- In case your performance is interrupted due to any commotion caused in the performance area or any audio / light related problem then the team will be allowed to restart or continue the performance based on their preference.
- Any props or other material that have to be used will have to be managed by the participating team itself. The organizers will not provide any properties or material.
- Kindly do not use any sharp or flammable items as your props. You will be disqualified if such materials are used.
- The participating team will be responsible for removal of their sets / properties etc. immediately after the completion of their performance.
- Time for set / instrument setting should not exceed 3 minutes.
- Please note: The host college will allow a maximum of 20 teams only on first come first basis. Maximum entry allowed per college is one.
- Any student enrolled in an institution of higher education is eligible for participation in this contest.
- Decision of the Judges will be final and binding on all teams and no objections shall be entertained.
Criteria for marking (Total 50 Marks):
- Theme/Concept
- Choreography
- Coordination
- Energy
- Costumes