
Notice Board


Remembering S.P.Sathe-15th National Conference

We are happy to announce the Remembering S.P. Sathe: 15th National Conference (Online) on ‘Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Justice System: Problems and Prospects’ on 30th & 31st October 2021.  A Public Memorial Lecture (online), as a part of the ‘Remembering S.P. Sathe event is scheduled on 31st October, 2021.

Click Here for the detailed information of the Conference.  

Objectives of the Conference

  • To examine the impact of Advances in science and technology on Human rights issues in the light of use of forensic tools in criminal investigation
  • To examine the Constitutionality of forensic evidence in context of the principle of self-incrimination.
  • To examine the judicial rulings on Use of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation.
  • To examine legal complications relating validity, reliability, admissibility and acceptability of scientific and digital evidence in criminal trials.

The key speakers of the Conference

  • Justice K.Kannan Former Judge at High court of Punjab. & Haryana,
  • Justice Prakash Judge Madras High Court
  • Siddharth Aggrawal Senior Advocate Delhi High Court
  • Asha Srivastava (Head of the Department, CFSL, New Delhi)
  • Dr Pratiksha Baxi –(Associate Professor Centre for The Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi)
  • Anupam Sharma (Special Prosecutor, CBI)
  • Mrinal Satish Chandra (Professor of Law National Law School of India University, Bengaluru.)
  • Dr. Deepa Paturkar. (Vice Principal ILS Law College, Pune)
  • Dr. Nitish Nawsagray (Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune)

Registration for Participation 

Last Date of Registration is 29th October 2021.

There is no registration fee for those who wish to participate without paper.

Registration is compulsory. Registration includes E- Certificate of participation



Remembering S.P.Sathe-15th National Conference

We are happy to announce the Remembering S.P. Sathe: 15th National Conference (Online) on ‘Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Justice System: Problems and Prospects’ on 30th & 31st October 2021.  A Public Memorial Lecture (online), as a part of the ‘Remembering S.P. Sathe event is scheduled on 31st October, 2021.

Click Here for the detailed information of the Conference.  

Objectives of the Conference

  • To examine the impact of Advances in science and technology on Human rights issues in the light of use of forensic tools in criminal investigation
  • To examine the Constitutionality of forensic evidence in context of the principle of self-incrimination.
  • To examine the judicial rulings on Use of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation.
  • To examine legal complications relating validity, reliability, admissibility and acceptability of scientific and digital evidence in criminal trials.

The key speakers of the Conference

  • Justice K.Kannan Former Judge at High court of Punjab. & Haryana,
  • Justice Prakash Judge Madras High Court
  • Siddharth Aggrawal Senior Advocate Delhi High Court
  • Asha Srivastava (Head of the Department, CFSL, New Delhi)
  • Dr Pratiksha Baxi –(Associate Professor Centre for The Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi)
  • Anupam Sharma (Special Prosecutor, CBI)
  • Mrinal Satish Chandra (Professor of Law National Law School of India University, Bengaluru.)
  • Dr. Deepa Paturkar. (Vice Principal ILS Law College, Pune)
  • Dr. Nitish Nawsagray (Assistant Professor, ILS Law College, Pune)

Registration for Participation 

Last Date of Registration is 29th October 2021.

There is no registration fee for those who wish to participate without paper.

Registration is compulsory. Registration includes E- Certificate of participation




Notice Board