
Notice Board


Abhivyakti Law Journal 21-22: Call for Student Editors and Contributions

Dear students,

The Abhivyakti Law Journal is a valuable forum for you to showcase your intellect and writing skills. Hence, we request you all to enrich this year’s volume with your contribution.  Your participation as a member of the editorial Board and your contributions in the form of Articles, Essays, Case Comments, Legislative Comments etc.  will make it very special. 

Click Here for the notice regarding Call for Student Editors. 

Click Here for the notice regarding Call for Articles, Essays,  Case-comments, Legislative comments  etc.


Abhivyakti Law Journal 21-22: Call for Student Editors and Contributions

Dear students,

The Abhivyakti Law Journal is a valuable forum for you to showcase your intellect and writing skills. Hence, we request you all to enrich this year’s volume with your contribution.  Your participation as a member of the editorial Board and your contributions in the form of Articles, Essays, Case Comments, Legislative Comments etc.  will make it very special. 

Click Here for the notice regarding Call for Student Editors. 

Click Here for the notice regarding Call for Articles, Essays,  Case-comments, Legislative comments  etc.



Notice Board