
Notice Board



In view of permission given by the Government of Maharashtra (शासन परिपत्रक क्रमांक: संकीर्ण २०२१/प्र.क्र.६/विशि-३ dated 13 October, 2021), SPPU (Circular no. 289/2021, dated 18/10/2021) and Pune Municipal Corporation (जावक क्र.- मआ/माप्रवि/६०४८ dated 08/10/2021) to open the college in offline mode, the college is happy to permit students to attend the college in offline mode subject to strict compliance of the instructions given below:

  1. From 15th November 2021, the lectures will be conducted in hybrid mode – Online as well as Offline . From 8th  November to 13th  November all lectures will be conducted in Online mode only. 
  2. The students above the age of 18 years and who have received double dose of vaccination only will be permitted to attend the college in offline mode.
  3. Carrying hard copy of certificate of double vaccination dose issued by the Government of India is mandatory. It must be produced whenever demanded by the college authorities.
  4. Offline lectures will be conducted as per present timetable.
  5. Students will be permitted in the college premises from Monday to Friday in stipulated groups. To adhere to the norms of COVID  appropriate behaviour, students have been divided into different groups. Only the students falling in the concerned group can attend the college in offline mode on the allotted day. For allotment of days and division of students in groups, Click Here
  6. Click Here to read the allotment of students of II year BA LL.B and LL.B program who may wish to attend classes offline.
  7. Click Here for allotment of halls for Offline classes. 
  8. Click Here for the revised timetable.
  9. The students who are not eligible or not able to attend lectures offline must join the lectures online. Students will not be permitted to attend online lectures from within college premises.
  10. Attendance of the students attending offline will be taken in offline manner and of those joining online will continue to be taken online.
  11. As continuous evaluation is scheduled on Saturday, all the students shall join online on Saturday. No Offline classes will be held on Saturday. Similarly, all internal examination related assignments, till further notice, will be accepted online only.
  12. Entry to students will be allowed only from the Hostel Gate, that is the GATE NO. 5. To avoid crowding at the gate for thermal screening and getting late in the lecture arrive 20 minutes before the schedule time of your lecture.
  13. Hostel Accommodation shall be provided only when appropriate guidelines are issued by the Governmental Authorities for the same. Students willing to avail the hostel accommodation in case the hostel is opened, are requested to fill the form. The link is given below:

  1. Students must strictly follow COVID APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR in the college premises. Wearing of masks in college premises is mandatory. Carrying sanitisers and observance of social distancing norms is essential.
  2. Health of the students and staff of the college being of utmost importance, the college will take all required steps and precautions including thermal screening. The students shall follow all the instructions issued by the college authorities from time to time. The college reserves the right to bar the entry of such students who disobey any of the instructions, guidelines and directions.
  3. Students can enter the college premises only for attending lectures, using library facility and completion of administrative formalities in the office. Loitering in the college premises is strictly prohibited.



In view of permission given by the Government of Maharashtra (शासन परिपत्रक क्रमांक: संकीर्ण २०२१/प्र.क्र.६/विशि-३ dated 13 October, 2021), SPPU (Circular no. 289/2021, dated 18/10/2021) and Pune Municipal Corporation (जावक क्र.- मआ/माप्रवि/६०४८ dated 08/10/2021) to open the college in offline mode, the college is happy to permit students to attend the college in offline mode subject to strict compliance of the instructions given below:

  1. From 15th November 2021, the lectures will be conducted in hybrid mode – Online as well as Offline . From 8th  November to 13th  November all lectures will be conducted in Online mode only. 
  2. The students above the age of 18 years and who have received double dose of vaccination only will be permitted to attend the college in offline mode.
  3. Carrying hard copy of certificate of double vaccination dose issued by the Government of India is mandatory. It must be produced whenever demanded by the college authorities.
  4. Offline lectures will be conducted as per present timetable.
  5. Students will be permitted in the college premises from Monday to Friday in stipulated groups. To adhere to the norms of COVID  appropriate behaviour, students have been divided into different groups. Only the students falling in the concerned group can attend the college in offline mode on the allotted day. For allotment of days and division of students in groups, Click Here
  6. Click Here to read the allotment of students of II year BA LL.B and LL.B program who may wish to attend classes offline.
  7. Click Here for allotment of halls for Offline classes. 
  8. Click Here for the revised timetable.
  9. The students who are not eligible or not able to attend lectures offline must join the lectures online. Students will not be permitted to attend online lectures from within college premises.
  10. Attendance of the students attending offline will be taken in offline manner and of those joining online will continue to be taken online.
  11. As continuous evaluation is scheduled on Saturday, all the students shall join online on Saturday. No Offline classes will be held on Saturday. Similarly, all internal examination related assignments, till further notice, will be accepted online only.
  12. Entry to students will be allowed only from the Hostel Gate, that is the GATE NO. 5. To avoid crowding at the gate for thermal screening and getting late in the lecture arrive 20 minutes before the schedule time of your lecture.
  13. Hostel Accommodation shall be provided only when appropriate guidelines are issued by the Governmental Authorities for the same. Students willing to avail the hostel accommodation in case the hostel is opened, are requested to fill the form. The link is given below:

  1. Students must strictly follow COVID APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR in the college premises. Wearing of masks in college premises is mandatory. Carrying sanitisers and observance of social distancing norms is essential.
  2. Health of the students and staff of the college being of utmost importance, the college will take all required steps and precautions including thermal screening. The students shall follow all the instructions issued by the college authorities from time to time. The college reserves the right to bar the entry of such students who disobey any of the instructions, guidelines and directions.
  3. Students can enter the college premises only for attending lectures, using library facility and completion of administrative formalities in the office. Loitering in the college premises is strictly prohibited.



Notice Board