
Notice Board



The internal exams for II B.A.LL.B. – V B.A. LL.B. and II-III LL.B. shall be held/continued from 1st April 2022, in offline mode.

The two components of internal exam, written and oral will be taken groupwise every Saturday on the scheduled dates. Class wise schedule and groups are attached with this notice. Kindly note that Groups of III LLB remain the same as communicated earlier, only the schedule has changed.

Instructions for Written Assignment


  1. Syllabus of the Internal Examination (Written Assignment and Viva) for the group having viva in a week will be declared by the Teachers in the class on Monday of that week. Syllabus for written assignment and viva will be the same. The syllabus and questions will be different for each group.
  2. The questions for the written assignment shall be declared by the teacher in the class one day prior to scheduled date of viva.
  3. Kindly note that the questions / syllabus will NOT be displayed on the college website or on the Google Classroom.
  4. Students will be given 2 Questions (10 marks each), out of which they must attempt ANY ONE question only. Word limit for the same will be 1000 words. In case of short notes, 4 Questions (5 Marks each) will be given, out of which students have to attempt ANY TWO questions only.
  5. The concerned group of students must submit hand-written copy of written assignments (Hard Copy) on the date of viva in the class.
  6. The assignments must be handwritten on ruled papers in legible handwriting. Assignments in typed form may be submitted by disabled students by seeking appropriate permission from College Examination Officer – Mr. Dnyaneshwar Kendre.
  7. Students who have already given their written assignments in online mode by uploading them on the Google Classroom must submit hard copy of their assignments to the concerned subject teacher (before whom the viva was given as per the old schedule) on or before 15th April, 2022. In case if the handwritten copy is not available with the students, print out of the copy already uploaded on the Google Classroom can be submitted.


  1. Written Examination will be conducted on pre-declared syllabus as per separate timetable which will be intimated soon.
  2. Students must be present in the college on the day of the written exam.
  3. The examination will happen in traditional mode (Offline), students writing descriptive answers of questions given in the Question Paper under strict invigilation.
  4. Assignments written by the students at home will not be accepted.
  5. For Division A+30 – Labour and Industrial Law subject, internal examination will be conducted in the form of Seminar consisting of written submission and oral presentation on given topic. Group wise allocated Students must submit their written submissions in class on the date of their oral presentation as per schedule. Topics will be given in class on Monday. Hard copy of hand written submissions in legible writing must be given. Typed copy can be submitted by disabled students after seeking appropriate permission from College Examination Officer- Mr. Dynaneshwar Kendre.


  1. Students will submit project report on the topics issued by the subject teacher.
  2. Topics for project will be intimated to the students on every Monday for the students whose viva is scheduled in that week.
  3. Handwritten Project Report in hard copy will be submitted by the students as per the schedule on the date of viva. Typed copy can be submitted by disabled students after seeking appropriate permission from College Examination Officer- Mr. Dynaneshwar Kendre.

Instructions for Viva – Voce Examination


  1. The viva will be conducted in the class as per schedule in offline mode.
  2. Students must be dressed in formals while appearing for viva.
  3. Student ID Card or any other identity proof must be kept handy and be shown once demanded by the teacher.
  4. For smooth conduct of viva, the lectures timings on day of viva – voce exam will be of 1 hour and all the students are required to attend the entire lecture of 1 hour. (Kindly refer to the attached schedule for details)
  5. Lectures for Practical training papers, Moot court and optional subjects will continue as per timetable on the date of examination day. (Kindly refer to the attached schedule for the details)
  6. For II LLB, syllabus for written examination and viva will be different. For Division A+30 – Labour and Industrial Law subject, students from the allocated group will make oral presentations on seminar topic given by the subject teacher in class on the date mentioned in the schedule.


  1. Students will make oral presentations on the scheduled dates on the project topics given to them.
  2. Students must be dressed in formals while appearing for viva.
  3. Student ID Card or any other identity proof must be kept handy and be shown once demanded by the teacher.
  4. For smooth conduct of viva, the lectures in which viva – voce exam will be conducted, will be of 1 hour and all the students are required to attend the entire lecture of 1 hour. (Kindly refer to the attached schedule for details)


Schedule of internal examination for optional subjects will be intimated later. For practical training papers, separate notice will be issued.


If due to medical or other genuine unavoidable reasons, a student is unable to appear for the internal examination (written and viva) on the scheduled day, his exam will be conducted at the end on a day communicated by the college/ subject teacher, on submission of appropriate documents showing reasons for his absence on the allotted day through email to the concerned subject teacher and College Examination officer Mr. Dnyaneshwar Kendre.

For I and II LLB & BALLB students kindly note that no re-examination will happen. A student of I and II LLB & BALLB remaining absent for written exam and / or viva on the scheduled day will be marked absent.


Students having backlog or equivalence papers for second term (even semesters) subjects can appear for their internal exams with the regular students on the dates mentioned in the schedule. For backlog and equivalence papers of first term subjects (odd semesters), and of any paper (Odd / Even Semester) of first year of BALLB / LLB separate schedule will be notified. For additional queries, you are requested to contact Ms. Varsha Khandagale ( or Ms. Vindhya Gupta (


The internal examination of first year BALLB and LLB will be conducted offline as per the schedule to be indicated soon. The written exam and viva voce will happen in offline mode on declared syllabus.

Click Here for the Time Table of II B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of III B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of IV B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of V B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of II LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of III LLB. Internal Exams



The internal exams for II B.A.LL.B. – V B.A. LL.B. and II-III LL.B. shall be held/continued from 1st April 2022, in offline mode.

The two components of internal exam, written and oral will be taken groupwise every Saturday on the scheduled dates. Class wise schedule and groups are attached with this notice. Kindly note that Groups of III LLB remain the same as communicated earlier, only the schedule has changed.

Instructions for Written Assignment


  1. Syllabus of the Internal Examination (Written Assignment and Viva) for the group having viva in a week will be declared by the Teachers in the class on Monday of that week. Syllabus for written assignment and viva will be the same. The syllabus and questions will be different for each group.
  2. The questions for the written assignment shall be declared by the teacher in the class one day prior to scheduled date of viva.
  3. Kindly note that the questions / syllabus will NOT be displayed on the college website or on the Google Classroom.
  4. Students will be given 2 Questions (10 marks each), out of which they must attempt ANY ONE question only. Word limit for the same will be 1000 words. In case of short notes, 4 Questions (5 Marks each) will be given, out of which students have to attempt ANY TWO questions only.
  5. The concerned group of students must submit hand-written copy of written assignments (Hard Copy) on the date of viva in the class.
  6. The assignments must be handwritten on ruled papers in legible handwriting. Assignments in typed form may be submitted by disabled students by seeking appropriate permission from College Examination Officer – Mr. Dnyaneshwar Kendre.
  7. Students who have already given their written assignments in online mode by uploading them on the Google Classroom must submit hard copy of their assignments to the concerned subject teacher (before whom the viva was given as per the old schedule) on or before 15th April, 2022. In case if the handwritten copy is not available with the students, print out of the copy already uploaded on the Google Classroom can be submitted.


  1. Written Examination will be conducted on pre-declared syllabus as per separate timetable which will be intimated soon.
  2. Students must be present in the college on the day of the written exam.
  3. The examination will happen in traditional mode (Offline), students writing descriptive answers of questions given in the Question Paper under strict invigilation.
  4. Assignments written by the students at home will not be accepted.
  5. For Division A+30 – Labour and Industrial Law subject, internal examination will be conducted in the form of Seminar consisting of written submission and oral presentation on given topic. Group wise allocated Students must submit their written submissions in class on the date of their oral presentation as per schedule. Topics will be given in class on Monday. Hard copy of hand written submissions in legible writing must be given. Typed copy can be submitted by disabled students after seeking appropriate permission from College Examination Officer- Mr. Dynaneshwar Kendre.


  1. Students will submit project report on the topics issued by the subject teacher.
  2. Topics for project will be intimated to the students on every Monday for the students whose viva is scheduled in that week.
  3. Handwritten Project Report in hard copy will be submitted by the students as per the schedule on the date of viva. Typed copy can be submitted by disabled students after seeking appropriate permission from College Examination Officer- Mr. Dynaneshwar Kendre.

Instructions for Viva – Voce Examination


  1. The viva will be conducted in the class as per schedule in offline mode.
  2. Students must be dressed in formals while appearing for viva.
  3. Student ID Card or any other identity proof must be kept handy and be shown once demanded by the teacher.
  4. For smooth conduct of viva, the lectures timings on day of viva – voce exam will be of 1 hour and all the students are required to attend the entire lecture of 1 hour. (Kindly refer to the attached schedule for details)
  5. Lectures for Practical training papers, Moot court and optional subjects will continue as per timetable on the date of examination day. (Kindly refer to the attached schedule for the details)
  6. For II LLB, syllabus for written examination and viva will be different. For Division A+30 – Labour and Industrial Law subject, students from the allocated group will make oral presentations on seminar topic given by the subject teacher in class on the date mentioned in the schedule.


  1. Students will make oral presentations on the scheduled dates on the project topics given to them.
  2. Students must be dressed in formals while appearing for viva.
  3. Student ID Card or any other identity proof must be kept handy and be shown once demanded by the teacher.
  4. For smooth conduct of viva, the lectures in which viva – voce exam will be conducted, will be of 1 hour and all the students are required to attend the entire lecture of 1 hour. (Kindly refer to the attached schedule for details)


Schedule of internal examination for optional subjects will be intimated later. For practical training papers, separate notice will be issued.


If due to medical or other genuine unavoidable reasons, a student is unable to appear for the internal examination (written and viva) on the scheduled day, his exam will be conducted at the end on a day communicated by the college/ subject teacher, on submission of appropriate documents showing reasons for his absence on the allotted day through email to the concerned subject teacher and College Examination officer Mr. Dnyaneshwar Kendre.

For I and II LLB & BALLB students kindly note that no re-examination will happen. A student of I and II LLB & BALLB remaining absent for written exam and / or viva on the scheduled day will be marked absent.


Students having backlog or equivalence papers for second term (even semesters) subjects can appear for their internal exams with the regular students on the dates mentioned in the schedule. For backlog and equivalence papers of first term subjects (odd semesters), and of any paper (Odd / Even Semester) of first year of BALLB / LLB separate schedule will be notified. For additional queries, you are requested to contact Ms. Varsha Khandagale ( or Ms. Vindhya Gupta (


The internal examination of first year BALLB and LLB will be conducted offline as per the schedule to be indicated soon. The written exam and viva voce will happen in offline mode on declared syllabus.

Click Here for the Time Table of II B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of III B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of IV B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of V B.A. LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of II LLB. Internal Exams

Click Here for the Time Table of III LLB. Internal Exams



Notice Board
